This was supposed to be a short post

Jul 25, 2008 22:32

Last night I finished a nearly month-long, very private project. Yay. Now I shall have free time.

Now I think I have my next one lined up; I abandonned my plans to build and paint Enochian tablets some months ago when a supplier failed to come through with the li'l wooden pyramids. I think that it is time to seek another source and start again.

Yesterday I went in search of bath products (MANLY!) and ended up buying all of Bath & Body Works' Ylang Ylang scented stuff since it was clearenced to the point of being nearly free and I enjoy the scent. I'm not sure how I feel about being the sort of guy who has a frangrance theme.

I failed to contact my school today to get the promised schedule. I found myself overwhelmed at work and forgot all about it... just as I've often forgotten other semi-essential things (Will and Resh, calling family on their birthday) a lot lately when my schedule has become impacted. I think I need to set my iPhone to remind me. It is sad that such external reminders are needed- It seems to me to be a personal failure to need such a crutch.

I wasn't supposed to work tommorow. Then I was only supposed to be in for the meeting (8:30-9:30 AM). Then I told a great customer that I'd be there to help him if he showed up when we opened... then another, then another, then another in sequence (10:30, 11:30, 12:30). I can now reasonably expect to be out of there by 1:30 or 2 PM. It is great to be appreciated at work, but I have to ask... where the hell were all of these customers wanting to make appointments every other Saturday that I have worked? Where were they when I was standing around being forced to make small-talk with my coworkers all of those pointless mornings making below minimum wage?

I guess I should just be happy to have a job in this economy, and to have a series of people making appointments to buy wool jackets from me in California in the summer. Salez Skillz, yo.

On a related note, neither my introspection nor my therapist have generated an answer for my ongoing concern about my inability to make small talk with normal people. I've been trying. "Hey Bob, how's the lawn? The kids? Nice weather we're having." I can do it, but I feel like anyone with the least bit of interpersonal awareness can tell that I'm uncomfortable and am bullshitting. In most cases they either can't or are polite enough not to mention it...

I really need to quit overthinking certain things.
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