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Jan 26, 2006 12:52

So I think I feel better today. Last night I felt lousy by the time I got home so I cooked fresh tuna steak and broccoli with some soy sauce. It was healthy and light and just what I needed to eat I think. I then chilled out in front of the TV with Verity and we watched two Simpsons episodes that made my eyes stream a lil then America's Next Top Model...I totally would have made a better super heroine than any of them! They were all kinda lame...I haven't had time ot develop a favourite model yet.

After some tv watching I was still aching all over so I borrowed one of Verity's bath bombs and had a nice soak in the bath and felt nice and relaxed and not aching except for a headache. My dad had given me some scent duffuser to help you get a good night's sleep at Christmas so I got it out and promptly fell asleep...only to have a terrible nights sleep. Grrrr. I woke up in the early hours of the morning in a total cold sweat. I was totally soaked...I never get like that...I wonder if I'd had a nightmare...I don't remember...then I got woken up when my housemates and geusts returned home at I guess about 3 or 4...then all I could hear were the sounds of carnal goings on next door which was kinda ming and not helpful for relaxing and gettign to sleep. So I woke up feeling pretty groggy. However despite all that I don't feel too bad. SO hopefully tonight I may get some better sleep and I'll be back on track.

Oh I just recalled some of my dreams last night...they involved an old Austrian nun with a really low cut habit and large pendulous old lady breats. She was also missing the lower half of her habit and was just garbed in black pants. She was decorating a Christmas Tree. My mum and gran sat on sofas dressed in traditional Guernsey folk costume. I asked my mum why her black apron was back to front and she corrected me pointing out that it wa sin fact the crrect way around. My gran was drinking tea on a sofa and I htink she said something scathing to the nun. I forget what the nun said to me. I think that sleep thing my dad gave me is whack.
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