(no subject)

Jan 20, 2006 11:06

I realise now that I used to post on livejournal a lot as a substitute for human company...how sad is that. In my old office there was just Maggie and myself and she was often not there so I sat on my own all day...then I'd get back home and at weekends more often than not Nick wasn't there so I lived th elife of a hermit and I think I started going a lil stir crazy actually.

I'm now in an office filled with women and I live in a flat of 4 housemates and a never ending stream of visitors and so I get lots of human interaction...it's actually really cool and I still have the option to hide in my rooom if I want to.

As much as I liked Ealing moving to Camden has been a very good move now. I actually eat and I have put on weight so that now I have an arse woo hoo! I generally feel a lot happier. This is a good thing. I do miss the weird little things I used to see in Ealing...like foxes and toads and strange falling white feathers and Viking shrines. Camden just has interesting people...maybe i just haven't noticed anything else yet.

I've even been feeling creative the last few days and it has been great...

On the down side I'm still a office temp waster who barely turns up and since I commute over an hour to work now I'm rarely at work before 11am so the money is dwindling. I plan on giving my notice in at the end of February so next month I need to come up with a life plan of some sort.

Eugh well this was an effort to write anything - it's sunny outside and I want a cold beverage or wait maybe I want a hot milk with almond syrup mmmm - yes ....I have an urge to feed squirrels today but i wont cos im lazy and if I take a minimal lunch hour I can leave early yay...i plan on a friday night of geeking out to World of Warcraft or Everquest 2 woo
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