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May 24, 2003 13:51

the registration gods finally let me register for fall classes. i had been told before that i would have to wait until the first day of summer session. originally i had spoken to the photo professor who was teaching color in the fall [you need an instructor permit for that] when i was there last month but it was already full, of course. she told me to come on the first day of class and she might add me. that's what i'm going to have to do for painting, too. but meanwhile i was actually able to get four classes that i won't hate, so the one last remaining thing i was stressing about is gone. i'll try to get into painting at least, and drop something else, but if i can't then i'll be okay with what i have. intaglio, art history- art & psychology [the thing that could potentially suck about this is i had this professor for an art history years ago and he was hard to follow & our grade was solely based on essay exams which made no sense], american lit 1960-present [while the book list is long, it's great- a lot of stuff i've been wanting to read, plus some things i already have like fight club, for instance], and critical interpretation of film and television- the course description online said "a concentration on the independent film movement of the 80s this term" which may or may not be the current semester or the upcoming one. we'll see.

anyway, it's a relief to have something in place even if it's not what i'd ideally like to be taking. summer school is not going to be half as interesting- deviance in society [sociology] and the american short story [english]. i could have taken a printmaking class from the god awful hour of seven-thirty in the morning until one in the afternoon, four days a week, but no thanks. i can't do anything for that long without a break no matter what it is, let alone beginning a mere three hours after my bedtime. art studios and summer school don't mix. at least not in my world.

so that's school. still waiting on financial aid. still have to finish packing, too, which is proving to be more difficult than i had originally imagined...i think because i have so much crap collected in one small room, it makes it difficult to be very organized. there isn't enough space. right now i can't even walk in here without tripping over piles of stuff. this weekend i plan to do more than i have in the past two weeks concerning that, though. it will all work out, and i'll be so glad once this packing and moving business is finished.

i'm still doing pilates daily, and i feel great. i'm not sore anymore, and it actually made my headache disappear yesterday. funny how they say when you exercise regularly you feel better and actually want to keep exercising. it really is true; imagine that! maybe this explains why i never had any headaches until i stopped being so physically active when i was about 15. before that, i did gymnastics, soccer, swim team, and dive team regularly.

now i'm off to spend money i should be saving at insound.

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