I'm just a bit concerned about the nature of FMA Fanfiction these days.
Yeah Ed, I hear you!
It seems like so much of the fanfiction world these days is composed entirely of smut. Now, for those of you who think I'm just going off on another anti-yaoi rant... I'm really not. I'm not just talking about yaoi smut. I'm talked about smut in general.
I thought it was just me until I did some research and calculations. Granted, amateur calculations (I've never been good at math!), but I think that the results are relatively accurate, with a small margin of error taken into account.
Those of you who are familiar with the FMA fanfiction world probably know of the website
http://www.scimitarsmile.com/alchemy/ . It is a fabulous website, with most of the greatest FMA fanfiction authors listed. I know I enjoy the website immensely!
I did my calculations...
And found out that 41% percent of the fanfiction on scimitar smile is smut.
Forty-one percent.
Well over a third of the fanfiction on the best FMA fanfic site out there is composed entirely of smut. Does this concern anyone else, or am I overreacting?
I mean, don't get me wrong. A little sex here and there is a good thing. Sex can serve wonderful purposes in writing, from developing character relationships to reveling in pointless romance/angst. Many people enjoy it for its "sexiness," and although I do not partake in that particular delight, I respect the people who do. I'm am not angry at the fact that smut is out there.
I'm worried about how much is out there in relation to the other genres.
What happened to those genres? Is the traditional gen-fic "not in" anymore? What happened to angst, action/adventure, suspense, horror, drama... all the genres that do not involve copious amounts of pornography? Are people only interested in reading smut these days? Does one have to be a smut-writer in order to get anywhere in the fanfiction world? Sure seems that way, since 41% of the greatest FMA fanfiction is - indeed - smut.
This is very troubling to me.