I noticed my rat, Cinnamon, has been losing weight. She is probably close to 3 years old. She also has bumblefoot, which I have treated with clavamox, meloxicam, neosporin and a&d ointment. Today I got tea tree oil and grapefruit seed extract to try to treat it homeopathically. I just noticed she also has a medium sized tumor on her chest. That would explain the weight loss. I know she is an old rat, so I have been trying to prepare myself for the worst. If she ends up showing signs of suffering, I will have her euthanized. My other rat, Mercury, just tore a nail, basically it is lifted all the way up and barely attached to the foot. I treated it with tea tree oil (for disinfection), and baby powder (to stop the bleeding, since I don't have any KwikStop). I just want my rats to be healthy. Neo is young, and fat, and slightly mean, and will outlive them both. =(
Cinnamon (& Chipper)