Anti-Thesis Day

Jan 27, 2008 00:54

Today I threw a tantrum and didn't do any thesis work at all. It was glorious.
Despite the fact that that means no pissing around tomorrow.

I slept in, worked on my sock, read a bit out of my current nerdy book acquisition, ate Chinese food (the leftovers of which are currently congealing on an unwashed plate and looking suspiciously like cat food), and watched Brokeback Mountain.

My sock is GINORMOUS (which is weird, because I swear I got the gauge right). and bright orange (excuse me, mango). Sock two of this pair will hopefully look much better, and thankfully as it is my first sock I was kind of expecting it to be messed up so I did not have my hopes pinned on a perfect pair of socks.

Tomorrow: thesis, and the beginning of beta sock 1.2

knitting, thesis of doom

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