Jan 18, 2012 09:00
...when a fandom actually has just as many condescending, pretentious, know-it-all fans as the Star Trek fandom. But lately? The Glee fandom (specifically certain pockets in the Klaine fandom) has wandered into that territory.
Never, in any fandom I've participated in--and god, there have been a LOT--have I actually seen fans refer to other fans as "entitled" or "spoilt" because of their goddamn preferences. Isn't that what the hell fandom is about--liking one thing more than another?!?
Not once in the Stargate fandom did I get told I was being "entitled and spoilt" because I wanted to see more Jack and Daniel interaction, because they were my favorites, and Jack and Sam annoyed me.
Not once in the Star Wars fandom was I told I was "entitled and spoilt" because I couldn't stand Mara Jade, and the direction most of the post-ROTJ novels took.
Not once in the Babylon 5 fandom was I told I was "entitled and spoilt" because my favorite characters were G'Kar and Londo, and I really could give fuck all about Delenn and Sheridan, the alpha couple.
Not once in the Smallville fandom was I told I was "entitled and spoilt" because I didn't like what they were doing to the Lex character or couldn't stand Clark and Lana scenes, you know, the goddamned alpha couple of the show.
Not once in the Merlin fandom have I been told I'm "entitled and spoilt" because Arthur and Merlin were my favorites, and I would have preferred the entire show just be about them and no one else--and hell, that's when most of the show is just about them!
Not once, in any of those fandoms, have I ever seen other fans--especially in the same fucking subset--deem it appropriate to dictate to fellow fans how they are and are not allowed to enjoy their show.
If you have used either the word "entitled" or "spoilt" to describe your fellow fans who simply have a preference for certain characters or pairings in fucking fandom where that thing is not only encouraged but kind of why fandom exists in the first place? Then I think you're the one who needs to take a step back and re-evaluate what the hell you're doing here.