Jan 13, 2011 19:33
I play the harp, which is rare enough that when people see a harp printed on something they automatically buy it for me. I've gotten oodles of presents this way - jewelry and notebooks and pencils and bags - all with stylized harps on them (mind you, the stylization can get weird - sometimes my inner voice is saying, "that angel could not physically be playing that!"). Not even people I'm close to or on special occasions like X-mas or B-day, just an entirely Pavlovian, Emily = Harp.
Which is lovely, but today I discovered an even better equation. A coworker handed me a bag. "I found it while doing New Year's cleaning. I was a big fan ten years ago, but then I married a man who hates all Johnny's, so I thought you'd like it instead..."
Inside was a Kinki Kids pamphlet from 2000, still in perfect condition in its plastic wrapper.
Should I start mentioning to people that my birthstone just happens to be diamonds?