Quick overview of my life

May 29, 2005 13:00


Where does one begin when one is trying to journal one's life. I have come to the realisation that I am shit at this sort of thing. Suppose I was always more of a doer than a reflector. Alwayts looking to the next task or great adventure. *shrug*

Am back on the single shelf, AGAIN. I hate sitting on this shelf not that it was not expected. Long distance relationships are hard at the best of times, even more so when the avenues of communication are severed. One just does not know what happened or where to go. Of course I sometimes think that if I loved him more, I would make more of an effort to keep him in my life. But at the same time, relationships are a two way street. The other person needs to make at least a token effort, otherwise one has to wonder why indeed they are in a relationship at all. *shrug*

Work is going well. Hard to believe I rejoined the department of defence. Sure that all the old annoyances are still there, but perhaps I am older, or wiser, or more capable; but they no longer seem the irritants or obstacles they once were. Funny huh. But the pluses are still there. The Army is a great place to hide from the world because they do take such good care of you. They place a roof over the head, food on the table before you and clothes on your back. Of course the free medical degree may have had something to do with my desire to climb back on board that particular wagon.

I looked at the scales this morning. I have been on a diet for at least a week now and it appears to be working. I have already gained 5 kilos, which is a good thing for me. I am taking those first tentative steps towards more bulk and definition. Of course the hard thing is that this past week (and one coming) I have been banned from training. No Gymnastics training, no Soccer, no Volleyball and definitly no Physical Training in the Morning. This has lead to a great deal of free time suddenly been made available to me and I am not exactly sure what to do with it.

I have also decided that me and free time do not necessarily see eye to eye. Give me free time and no direct and I always seem to end up getting into trouble or doing something that seems alright on a whym, but really is not all that good for me. No! I am not going to say any more about the incident than that.

After contemplation, have decided that I am going to drop gymnastics. It no longer fits so well into my schedule, especially when I am of the mind to take up a martial arts. Now I am already skilled in Tae Kwon Do and Aikido, but am thinking perhaps another force art like ninjitsu or something. I have been practicing with my sais of late and would love to incorporate them into a martial arts style. Guess I will have to do some leg work and research into the matter.

*shrug* Well that is pretty much me for the time being. As I said, noting really all that interesting. Can't see why you have all been badgering me to update my journal.

Anyways, big hugs to you all and hope your respective lives are full of fun and frivolity.

Take care

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