I am gathering a list of useful online tutorials for digital artists to post on my soon-to-be renovated art site, so people have an easier time directing artists to a nice little archive instead of scrambling over Google to find it. (I feel bad responding to emails that ask me to teach them something, and I cant find a good resource to share with them) If any of you can raid your bookmarks and drown me in any kind of digital art tutorial (Photoshop, OpenCanvas, Painter, Illustrator, etc), it would be GREATLY appreciated. :)
Also, basic tutorials in art/lighting/design/etc would also rock. ^_^
http://www.conceptart.orghttp://www.eatpoo.com General Digital Art Advice
http://www.methart.com/tutorials/digi-ink.htmlDigital Inking
http://www.itchstudios.com/psg/art_tut.htmArt THEORY, a must read..!!
http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/farp/realism/ursularealism.htmlFantasy realism, various media
Multiple Software Tutorial Resources
http://www.bakaneko.com/howto/ - Baka Neko
Not personally fond of these tutorials, but they're very good for new artists. Covers a LOT of stuff, from basic proportions to lineart to 3 D modeling, etc.
Photoshop (Painting/Design)
http://www.furiae.com/tutorials.phpLinda's gorgeous realism (fantasy inspired) tutorials.
http://div.dyndns.org/EK/tutorial/General painting advice based on the artist's style, great advice, from flesh to fur rendering.
http://www.idigitalemotion.com/tutorials/guest/background_tutorial/background_tutorial.htmlVery good color theory advice as well as a basic background tutorial for a Naruto fanart.
http://rinlocke.net/tutorials/tutorials.htmMostly basic anime-style shading tutorials, also some random advice pages.
Adobe Illustrator/Vector (Art/Painting)
http://www.clearlypixelated.com/vector - Clearly Pixelated
Anime vector artwork. Does not provide info on lineart, but it does contain info on great shading advice using Illustrator.
http://w3.tvi.edu/~amartinez25/ Very ghetto tutorial I did for a class (my teacher asked if I could come in) on tracing bitmapped art into vector lineart.
http://www.vectorkid.com/ - Vector Kid
:D Self explanatory.
http://www.idigitalemotion.com/tutorials/digital_creation.htmlDesign and Painting Basics
http://www.deviantart.com/view/2866522/Isometric Pixel Art
http://www.cablenet.ne.jp/~japanime/tutorial/cg1.htmlCel-shading basics.
http://perso.wanadoo.fr/arth/artisticprocess/process_01.htmDramatic architecture, MUST SEE :D
Font Design
http://groups.msn.com/fontlab/Font lab message board.