I hardly post on here, but the one sure way to get me back on track is to do memes. And I always like filling out this one because it gives me chance to look over things that I may have forgotten. So, here are those end-of-the-year questions:
1) What did you do in 2013 that you'd never done before?
I graduated from college. Honestly, that might have been the biggest thing? I feel like it kind of overshadows everything else that may have happened, because it was the end of my "adolescent" life and the start of my "adult" life (which has been going swimmingly, might I add). Yeah, I really can't think of anything else, so I'll just leave this for now.
2) Did you keep your New Year's resolutions for 2013? Will you make more for 2014?
I don't remember what my resolution was for 2013, but I'm sure it was something along the lines of trying to be more confident and less anxious in my every day life. That resolution still stands. Besides that, my number one goal is to get a steady paying job so I can start paying my own bills/rent and begin paying off my loans and not being a burden to my parents. The second thing would be to write more, as much as I can, and submit my work to any and every place and basically just immerse myself as much as possible in the literary world. Those three will be my main focus for this year, but I'm sure other smaller things will come up that I'll start working on.
3) Did anyone close to you give birth?
Not really. A girl who was in one of my writing classes just had a baby, but we're not super close. I wish we were, because she was always nice to me and I enjoyed hanging and talking with her during class, but she moved to LA and we only keep in touch through Facebook. But that's probably it.
4) Did anyone close to you die?
I don't think so. My aunt was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer and bone cancer, which sounds so horrible that I'm including this here when she is still very much alive, but, you know, it's really serious and from my own experience, very difficult to fully recover from. But she's finished with her chemo for now and so far it seems like she's doing as well as she can, so I'm hoping that continues.
5) What countries did you visit?
NONE my answer for this question literally every year I do this lol. I have no idea when that will change, but most likely very far into the future.
6) What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013?
A JOB. MONEY. A JOB THAT PAYS ME MONEY. Honestly, that's really about it, it's been my number one main concern since graduation and I don't know how to live without those two things being at the forefront of my mind every day of my life. I guess I'd also like to move out and into a smaller one-bedroom place in the same area, but again, can't do that until the job/money thing gets taken care of. I can't think of anything else that I would want.
7) What date from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
May 19: I graduated from college. Pretty self-explanatory.
October 27: Metalocalypse: The Doomstar Requiem A Klok Opera special aired on Adult Swim LOL it gets a mention because it was all I was waiting for like three months leading up to it haha.
8) What was your biggest achievement of the year?
...graduating? From college? This has been my answer to like three questions already lol I feel like a copout.
9) What was your biggest failure?
Not getting a job. Letting my depression and anxiety ruin my sleep schedule on a day to day basis which made life really empty and boring and meaningless.
10) Did you suffer illness or injury?
No, not really. I did puke twice for two very stupid reasons. The first time was when I spent the night post the Metalocalypse special drinking an entire bottle of Moscato oop. And the second time happened like just last week when I was home for the holidays. Lauren and I went to see Anchorman 2 and afterwards she wanted to go work out at the gym but I desperately wanted Starbucks and she promised me she would stop so I was holding her to that. But I had to go with her gym and work out, and she didn't feel like waiting in the car while I relaxed and took my time, so I basically had to chug a Venti-sized Chai Tea Latte in like twenty minutes and then worked out for almost two hours after having not stepped foot in a gym or done anything remotely athletic in months. Oh, and I did everything my sister did, who has been working out and is in much better shape than I am, which was really fucking stupid of me. NEEDLESS TO SAY, I laid in bed for hours feeling nauseous and shitty until about 3 AM when I finally puked and could relax enough to fall asleep. WOW DUMB.
11) What was the best thing you bought?
Ugggghhh I have no idea. I hardly buy anything for myself anymore these days because I really don't have the money for it. Hmm. I bought another MST3K boxset when I was dog/house-sitting for this woman in September and she didn't have any internet or cable, so I had to occupy myself some way. Oh, and I bought The Newsroom season one on DVD, but I can't remember if that was this year or the very end of 2012 lol. But yeah, probably those two things.
12) Whose behavior merited celebration?
Uhhhhh???? God, I have no idea. My parents? For continuing to put up with me and help me out when I don't deserve it? I'll also mention two of my teachers, Devon and Sam, who took time out of their day to make sure I was okay when I was starting to fall apart during my last semester for the sole reason that they cared, which was really wonderful and heartening to have. I still miss them and want to keep in touch with them because they really did help me through a lot of shit, and I don't think they know how much they really did for me.
AND OH HAHA WENDY FUCKING DAVIS MAN. what a night that was. that should be on my memorable dates answer lol.
13) Whose behavior made you mad and ill-willed?
My roommate's, but I go back and forth on that a lot, it's complicated. Also, Ted Cruz, Rob Ford, the Duck Dynasty guy, pretty much any asshole who decided to talk when they should have kept their fucking mouth shut.
14) Where did most of your money go?
What little money I did have went to paying bills/rent and buying groceries.
15) What did you get really, really, really excited about?
The Metalocalypse special lol. METALLICA THROUGH THE NEVER HAHA L O L. Bonus: Metallica appearing on The Colbert Report, that was magical. My parents coming to visit in the summer so we could see Rush play at Summerfest. Seeing Justin again (and meeting Dana!) for the Cubs/Pirates game in September. :D
16) What song will always remind you of 2013?
Dethklok - Blazing Starhaha yeah this was the bonus song that was released like a week before Doomstar Requiem aired, and it's such a moving song that really encompasses what the special is all about. I think Brendon's vocals have improved so much, and it's always nice to hear a Nathan/Pickles duet. The biggest thing for me is the orchestration, which was all composed by Bear McCreary (Walking Dead!) and it's just so heavy but melodic like the moment at 2:05 hnnngh I have such a boner for Dethklok music idc.
Metalocalypse: The Doomstar Requiem Soundtrack (Magnus and the Assassin)HAHA I'M SORRY. I really feel like I should link to the whole sountrack, because it is a RAWK OPERA so taking just one song leaves out a lot of context, and the whole thing really just flows so well together. But I'm gonna include this track because it's probably the heaviest one from the entire special, and the scene it's playing over is so intense and awesome. AND GEORGE CORPSEGRINDER FISHER SINGS (????) A DUET WITH BRENDON SMALL AND IT'S WONDERFUL. The vocals are just really really good on this whole thing (and the fact that like twelve of them are sung by the same guy is astounding). And the final track is just all of the orchestration from the special, so yeah you should all listen to it please.
Sharon Van Etten - Serpentslol when I started watching The Walking Dead I was just looking up clips and this song was one of the first ones I listened to and it's kind of what pushed me into really watching and obsorbing the series (also the intro, but it's so short I didn't feel it was worth it to include it). This girl has a lovely voice and it's really soulful and I think it's a good representation of what the show is about and where the characters are at - it's sad but beautiful.
Miley Cyrus - Wrecking BallI want to shoot myself in the face for including this but I gotta be honest, and this song will remind me of 2013.
Ghost - Ghuleh/Zombie QueenI really didn't want to end this post on a sour note (also I just really love posting song links) SO HERE'S ONE MORE. I liked their first album but their second one just clicked with me, it's like I'm at a black mass or something lol. There are lots of other songs from the album I like but I'm linking this one because it kind of snuck up on me, it starts off pretty slow but then it kicks in and it just has such a perfect composition and movement. Plus, nothing brings me more entertainment than just shouting ZOOOOMBIIEEEE QUEEEEEEN into the abyss. <3
17) Compared to this time last year, are you:
1) Happier or sadder? Right at this moment I'm feeling kinda good, but that might be because it's the first day of the new year and I always try to start off on a more positive foot. In general, 2013 was a pretty dismal time, so I like to hope that things can only pick up in 2014.
2) Thinner or fatter? Thinner, but not by much. I've been losing weight ever since I started college and it's mainly because I hardly eat, I can't really afford to eat, and what I can eat doesn't do much for me.
3) Richer or poorer? Poorer. Again, I have less money with each new year, and 2013 was the worst it's been pretty much ever since I first started working.
18) What do you wish you'd done more of?
Socialized more. Write more. I think I could've worked just a little harder at looking for a new job, too.
19) What do you wish you'd done less of?
Sleeping. Like, way too much, just literally staying in bed and not getting out and barely even leaving my bedroom, sometimes for entire days. It was bad. I really don't want to get like that again.
20) How did you spend Christmas?
I was home in Pennsylvania with my parents and my sister. We opened gifts and then went to Mass at noon because usually we go on Christmas Eve but we were both too tired to go out late and too BUSY DECORATING THE HOUSE LOL. That's how we do things. After Mass we came back home and got ready to go have dinner with my cousins, who I always love seeing.
21) How will you be spending New Year's Eve?
lol well New Year's was yesterday SO I spent it by first getting up at 5 AM so my sister and I could make it to our 7:50 AM flight back to Chicago. Lauren was coming with me because she was surprising her boyfriend (who lives in Rockford) with a visit. When I got back I took like a four hour nap and was supposed to go out with my roommate to a friend of hers who was having a party, but I just wasn't in the mood, so I ended up staying in with my two cats and watched the ball drop by myself haha.
22) Did you fall in love in 2013?
No. Not anything that isn't real or serious or within the realm of possibility, at least. So, no.
23) How many one-night stands?
lol none.
24) What was your favorite TV program?
I had a few that I watched this past year. Hello Ladies! The Newsroom! THE WALKING DEAD!!! The Metalocalypse special. :p
25) Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
No, I don't think so.
26) What was the best book you read?
I don't even know, I had to look at my Goodreads LOL. Once I graduated, since I didn't have a job, I actually had a lot more time to read, which was probably the only nice thing about being unemployed. But let's see:
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn was so crazy and messed-up. It definitely has one of those "twists" in the middle that puts everything into a 180, but the characters alone are just so fucked up and it ends on such a dismal note. It was one of those "can't put it down" books that I haven't experienced in a while, so that was fun. Also, it's going to be a movie soon, so I'm super excited for that haha.
Y: A Novel by Marjorie Celona was a debut by this author and I always try to read something by new writers, and this was really good. Sad but poignant and moving, and the characters were very distinguished and individual. I'm really looking forward to her next work.
Look At Me by Jennifer Egan. I'd only read her short story collection before this, so I wasn't sure how the novel was going to be, but I really enjoyed it. I thought the concept was interesting and it's a humane look at a certain kind of tragedy and how that affects the victim and the people around him/her. I haven't had a chance to pick up her other stuff yet but I really want to.
Fires Of Our Choosing by Eugene Cross is a collection of short stories, which are like my fave, I always try to read an author's short stories first if they have them before starting on the novel. The collection happens to be his debut, but they're all really wonderful and poetic and beautiful. The author is from Erie, Pennsylvania, and many of the stories take place there so I felt even more engrossed in what I was reading since I could kind of relate to it. This guy is actually a teacher at my school and I took a class on publishing with him and he was awesome, so my review might be slightly biased, but it helps. :p
27) What was your greatest musical discovery?
I don't think I really listened to too much new music. It was mostly new releases from older bands that I already loved. I did start listening to this band called Amorphis around the end of 2012, but I didn't really start paying attention to their music and listening to all their work until last year, and I think they're really wonderful, a perfect blend of heavy and light, which is one of my favorite aspects of metal music.
28) What did you want and got?
AN UGLY METALLICA CHRISTMAS SWEATER??? haha honestly I don't think I have anything, I really try not to ask for much since I feel bad about the situation I'm in. I guess my college degree is a close second. :p
29) What did you want and not get?
30) What was your favorite film of this year?
Anchorman 2 was absolutely hysterical I was pissing. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire was so so SO GOOD, which I was really pleased about because it's my favorite book of the series and I think they totally did it justice. METALLICA THROUGH THE NEVER HAHA LORD quality acting lemme tell ya. I really don't go to the movies all that much, so I don't really have a lot to choose from anyway, but yeah these were good.
31) What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 23. I didn't really do anything special, because I was home alone and my roommate was working, but I did go and get my free Starbucks birthday drink, which I look forward to every year, and then my friend Amanda came over and we went and had dinner, so that was nice. Pretty low key.
32) What's one thing that would have made 2013 immeasurably more satisfying?
lol do i even need to say it.
33) How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013?
I try to dress a little more "adult cute" with each new year, so like leggings and boots and sweaters mostly. Except when I'm home, which is pajama party time all the time.
34) What made you sane?
Haha uhhhhh I don't really know. I wasn't actually sane for most of the year, I feel like. I guess my teachers I already mentioned, and my mom, too. Does Tumblr count???? I still feel kind of stupid for how much time I spend on there, but it is a nice mindless way for me to destress and not focus on the other bullshit going on in my life.
35) Which celebrity did you fancy the most?
NORMAN REEDUS LOL F U C K. I really really REALLY tried hard not to crush because I was already aware of his fanbase and I was like "lol no thanks" BUT THEN EVERYTHING CHANGED WHEN THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED and of course I fell in love with his character on The Walking Dead because it's like every trope I look for, lol. But the dude himself is like so artsy and weird, I really love how creative he is. Like, he came out with his photography book and is really passionate about it, but he's also IN LADY GAGA'S "JUDAS" MUSIC VIDEO. PLAYING JUDAS. I can't watch it the same ever again haha wow. Oh, he's also a metalhead, because on Halloween the Liquid Metal station on Sirius XM had him takeover and he just played all his favorite tunes. Unfortunately, this was before I started watching TWD, so I felt no need to tune in, but now I REGRET IT because I can't find the recording anywhere and I'm sure it was a one time thing and so I'll never hear him talking about metal and people talking about metal = boner alert so like I'm totally depressed haha. He also just seems like a very genuine and sweet nice guy, like he's gotten some weird shit from fans but he like totally goes with it and finds ways to make it work, and he's always really nice and talkative and happy to the fans he meets (based on some of the videos I've watched). I don't know, I guess that's it? For all of you who wanted to know, lol. Mainly, I fell in love with his biceps and it was all downhill from there.
I also had a passing fancy with John C. Reilly and Peter Dinklage during the year, but here, have this video of Norman holding his cat:
Click to view
so cute. bone me.
36) What political issue stirred you the most?
The Wendy Davis filibuster, what a bunch of bullshit that was. Not her, she did fab, but the lengths everyone went to to try and keep her down, you go girl. Also, the Newtown shooting happened last December but it was so close to the end of the year that it carried into 2013 for me, and the issue of gun safety and gun laws is one I'm very invested in, and after the one year anniversary that just passed a couple weeks ago, it brought it all back for me, I just think it's extremely important and not enough people (or the right people) take it seriously enough to change anything and make a difference.
37) Who did/do you miss?
I miss my sister a lot, since she's at school now so I only see her when we're both home. I miss my kitties.
38) Who was the best new person you met?
Um...this might sound ridiculous, but I can't think of anyone? I mean honestly since I graduated, without a job to keep my occupied, I haven't really been around that many people and have mostly kept to myself. I mean I'm sure there's someone that could fit this but not anyone that made a huge impact or anything.
Okay, I'll go with my friend Amanda's roommate, Alex. She's a very sweet girl and funny and I only see her when I go to Amanda's place (which is a pain in the ass to get to for me so I don't go very often) but I'd like to hang out with her more in the future.
39) Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013.
People can only help you so much, and it's not fair for you to hang onto them. You need to do these things on your own and start taking care of yourself for once, because someday those people aren't going to be around to help you anymore and you won't know what to do.
40) Quote or song lyric that sums up your year:
"How can I be a hero when my dick is big as a shoe?" - Nathan Explosion
"Relax. You will become an adult. You will figure out your career. You will find someone who loves you. You have a whole lifetime; time takes time. The only way to fail at life is to abstain." - Johanna de Silentio