Every time I say hello like that in guild chat (yes, on Warcraft), Kevin asks me if I'm drunk. Right now, I am, so it semed appropriate. Although my icon is inaccurate, as the only carpet in the house is in Jim's room. And I don't mean mine, I trim.
I had a perfectly lovely dinner with
moonlightnrain and
lizzzie_lou (hey look, I remembered to add you, though your name has an extra z, you sneaky monkey) at Zao, although the menu has changed entirely from when I was last there several years ago. Peanut sauce so subtle as to be unrecognizably peanutyyt, which is kind of sad, but still very tasty. And then the strolling and popping into the cake store and the yogurt place and the boostore and then the cake store again (swap the books and yogurt), and mmm.
And then we went back to their place to dye easter eggs, because hey, tis the season. Or maybe that wasa few monthsagol. ZBut I broght along my awesome NEON food coloring (from the cleaning-out of Good Heavens! quite some time ago, ILU all) and we got creative and it was fun. One of my eggs is totally special neesd, but that's what I was going for, reallyl. And well, Architeutheus (shut up, I'm drunk, I could to9tally splly that normally) refused to be photographed, just like in the wild, but I did a cephalopod (some words I get right, even if Firefox doesn't know them) egg, because I'm like that. Oh, I meant to upload pictures, let me go do that.
Oh yeah, an dthere was booze, altough we had to raid my booze shelves for it(didn't take any of your awesome stuff, Jim, promise, just mycrappy coconut rum, cuz mmm) and had said rum with Oj and mmmmm. I had kind of a lot of it. Rather really a lot of it. And more before I left. So hi! Pity I haven't peopel around me to make this drunken post funnier, although Jenna is hilarious and when I said (yea, I logged into warcraft, sht up) that I wasn't at all allowed to anwer the call someoen mae for a tank in Trade chat (that sentence kind of got away from me a litte), she said "DRUNK TANK"a nd I laughe an laughed because I _am_. Or would be. If anyone was foolish enouh to let me tank for htem righ tnow.
Oh right, pictures. Maybe I'll post this now while I't still amusing, and come back after doing pictures with another post, beause that's going to take awhile to get through (have to run through loiie3 different image crap things because I'im a spaz). Yeah, hi, ok.