Everyone's doing these cool, fun posts about who would be their Top 10 Fictional Boyfriends. They have pictures. Mine doesn't. My post is less Top 10 Fictional Boyfriends than The Men I Love to Watch on TV and Why I Would Never Date Them:(
I'll put it below the cut for length. )
But Benton - he'd be lovely! It's not his fault his dead dad keeps turning up! He has a wolf. He'd bring you corsages. I'm firmly of the belief he shouldn't be on this list. ;)
When you come right down to it, of course, I've got the one for me. How many other fangirls--or women period, or people--are lucky enough to have a spouse/lover/friend who will happily indulge in the same fandoms (with the sole exception of Dresden Files, which he didn't generally watch, but I didn't get really into that fandom), love the same characters, and even cheerfully discuss which men would and wouldn't make good boyfriends? He hasn't seen the complete list yet. Avon was going to be my #1, but I'd just been discussing Planet of the Apes with someone, and I realized I had a better one ( ... )
That would make an excellently geeky and obscure T-shirt slogan. :D
I take your point about Benton. Some guys aren't necessarily bad dating material, but their friends / colleagues / girlfriends / passers-by just have the worst luck.
And, awwww, that's adorable - I'm glad your rl sweetie is much better than any of the guys on this list. :D
*raises hand* Me!
We really did luck out, you and me. Our boys need to be cloned so that all our friends can have awesome fannish husbands, too.
I will agree with Brilliant Husband that, for instance, Jeri Ryan is both drop dead gorgeous and an awesome actress, so I suppose it goes both ways sometimes. But I'm not into all the shows he watches; I gave up on Sarah Connor Chronicles early despite a great cast; can't watch Boston Legal or NCIS without all kinds of objections and complaints.
I hope our friends can all find great husbands too, but no one's cloning my BH--he's mine, mine, all mine!
with the latest POTA movie, I'm actually shipping the astronaut with that intelligent lady chimp (just sweet words between them, nothing more), though that was just one or two fics total for the fandom.
yeah, Farscape fandom discusses things like that...ie, before the Big Reveal about Aeryn's people, fandom discussed whether John/Aeryn was any more legal than John/Zhaan.
John and Aeryn never bothered me. Neither did Zhaan and Stark. Maybe because I grew up knowing that Amanda and Sarek were Spock's parents, I'm hard put to be bothered by interspecies relationships in SF (as long as they don't get too graphic, but shoot, I don't generally read graphic intraspecies sex!).
For some reason this post is one of my all-time favorites on my LJ.
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