So I'm trying to keep away from the computer until November 18th. I might just be back tomorrow to check comments. And stuff. I thought I should give you my exam schedule so you can pray for me (or maybe not).
Other than that, would someone tell illaquinta Happy Birthday on November 17th in my absence? And to Merlyn - October 31st.
*Alaris likes her memory*
By the way, a good present would be a completed FAA button from Dawn. :P If Huginn passes it, it's completed. And a promise of an AlarisBot from krebbe. But you don't have to, I guess. And poems! I only have four written about me so far.
*looks desolate*
Exam Schedule
Nov 7 Maths 1, Social Studies
Nov 9 English Comprehension and Composition
Nov 10 Geography 2, Bio 1 and 2. (I'm am so angry at them for this. *grr* How do they expect us to revise?)
Nov 11 Maths 2, Lit Elective
Nov 15 Additional Maths 1
Nov 16 Geography 1, Physics 1 and 2
Nov 17 Additional Maths 2
Nov 18 Chemistry 1 and 2.
I'm worried about my studying block. I'm not in the mood for studying at all. Blah. Just don't be disappointed if I get terrible marks?
hazelcalico armaika