Feb 27, 2018 21:40
Zoë submitted her course request for her sophomore year today. She informed me of this by saying she'd signed our names because she knew we'd tell her to do what she wanted to do anyway and she wanted to hand it in today. I'm glad she told us, and for the most part I think she chose well. The part that I'm a bit "what?" about is not a big deal and mostly that I think she'll get bored.
She requested honors math (alg2geo2, or Exeter math 3), honors english, honors latin 3, honors physics, french 4, and regular history. The other option for history was AP World History, and after talking with the current sophomores she decided since she doesn't love history she'd be better off in a regular history class. There is also an honors option for French 4, but she learned that on her current path, AP Latin and AP French would happen the same year but not be able to because they are always scheduled to conflict, and she'd rather take AP Latin. She's hoping to be able to fit photography into her schedule, and also piano because it's a pre-req for AP Music Theory. She mentioned she could also get instructor's permission for AP Music Theory, but she doesn't know if it would fit in her schedule for her jr or sr years (she was told it won't fit for sophomore year because of double language) and she needs a performance art. She'd rather take a piano course that goes over things she's known forever than have to take a drama or dance course.
This course request is similar to what she had last year, but because of honors latin + honors math + honors science, everything else had to be honors too. That makes me think there's a chance the same thing will happen next year. But she's handling all honors this year just fine so I'm sure she'll be ok next year too if it comes to that. She mentioned wanting to take AP Comp Sci, but it conflicts with double foreign language. I need to check back with her because AP Comp Sci would be a breeze for us to help her prep for if she's willing to do it outside of school. I try to tread lightly since she's in an environment where collecting APs is just something kids do, and I don't want her to jump onto that treadmill.
She's bored with math and doesn't want to "work ahead," because she'd just have to do that in school and it would make it extra boring. I might work up some game theory stuff and show it to her over spring break and see if that gets her interest. I feel fortunate that for the most part her classes are at a good level for her. Although I'm concerned she never has to do any homework (she finishes it in class). I keep reminding myself I'm a successful human being and I never did any homework, but I don't think any of my peers were doing 2-4 hours a night consistently, and I know for a fact that most of her peers are (it's a common topic of discussion among parents). I just need to let it go. She's on the honor roll, she's getting good grades, she's liking her classes. She'll figure out homework when and if she has to do it. (Although if she DID study at home, she could be acing everything but then I start feeling like a nut if I'm asking her why she got a 99 instead of a 100.) We all agreed as long as she keeps making honor roll I'll keep my mouth shut. Just not my brain. *sigh*
But I think she chose a good schedule for next year. Fingers crossed she's able to have her schedule and isn't forced into AP World History.
And I am so happy she decided to do crew! I picked her up from the boathouse today, and it was amazing. It's 15 minutes from the house in traffic, instead of the 45 her school is, and it meant I drove there, wandered around the waterfront for a bit, and then she was released at 5:30pm and we drove the 15 minutes home. Instead of driving 45 minutes to get to her school by 6:00pm and hoping the bus hasn't gotten stuck in traffic, and then spending another 45 min to get home maybe by 7 if we're lucky. (Typically I can get to her school in ~30 min, but traffic when picking her up at ~6pm has been horrible for the past couple months and I've had to plan for it to take an hour so this cuts my time in the car down to 1/4 of what it was.) Thursdays she'll take the bus back to school for piano. And if weather's bad they'll practice in the crew tank or on the ergs at school, but even just one day/wk of the shorter commute would be amazing. And she learned a college she'd been considering also rows at the boathouse, which increases her interest.