played central regional in the fucking POURING RAIN! jesus christ..i was drenched and soaping wet, and discusting..we got yelled at so bad cause we lost 8-1 haha and none of us cared because we missed the 500 and we were making it to the state and janea took out a mexican in the second funny
today was a funny english me, courtney, tory, and vicky found out that john was in a meow-mix comerical and we kept going "meow" to everything he said..damn did he get pissed..we sang a "meow" song and died laughing..such good times, i wish i could explain it better but you had to be there
next hilarious thing was in corrells class..he had feathers allllll over the class because the football team was playing central tonight and their mascot is an eagle so it was suppose to represent the killing of the sam voll took the feathers and put them in my hair, and we fit about 20 of them..we were really mocking nicole young because she thought shed be cool to stick one in her hair so we stuck 43908930 in mine..and corell got pissed as hell....sooo worth it
after school janea and i took pictures on my cell phone of mexicans in our school..then theresa sprayed me with axe deoderant and i smelt like shit, and still do thank you very much
well im home now and im talking to pat furry for the first time in a year..havent officially seen him in person and had official conversation in person since 8th grade..i miss him like the most besides felix and sam
AsHLiiNa: hi pat
BallerOFp8Nt: hello!!!!!!
BallerOFp8Nt: finnally
AsHLiiNa: lol YES
BallerOFp8Nt signed off at 6:17:52 PM.
BallerOFp8Nt signed on at 6:18:05 PM.
BallerOFp8Nt: lol
AsHLiiNa: lol umm u signed off and im like "umm OKAY" lol
BallerOFp8Nt: hhaha, yea i went invisible
AsHLiiNa: werd
BallerOFp8Nt: anyway hows south?
AsHLiiNa: wellll
AsHLiiNa: lol umm its alright..not the same as north friends..everybodys mature and such..
BallerOFp8Nt: yea north > south
AsHLiiNa: not alot of kids
BallerOFp8Nt: north is amazing
BallerOFp8Nt: hottest girls
BallerOFp8Nt: ever
AsHLiiNa: lolll
BallerOFp8Nt: literally
AsHLiiNa: nice nice
BallerOFp8Nt: yea
AsHLiiNa: ive changed so much
BallerOFp8Nt: me 2
BallerOFp8Nt: and my pic is mad old on myspace
BallerOFp8Nt: from like 8th grade
AsHLiiNa: lol
AsHLiiNa: bro
AsHLiiNa: adrienne
AsHLiiNa: lmao
BallerOFp8Nt: ?
AsHLiiNa: remember that
BallerOFp8Nt: slut?
BallerOFp8Nt: lol
AsHLiiNa: like...nooobody likes her
BallerOFp8Nt: yes i rember
BallerOFp8Nt: is she still have big tits?
AsHLiiNa: i havent even heard of her this year or last year, shes just..there
AsHLiiNa: yes pat she does lol
BallerOFp8Nt: :-)
AsHLiiNa: they didnt just disapear
BallerOFp8Nt: haha
BallerOFp8Nt: i sae her last year
BallerOFp8Nt: she got hotter
BallerOFp8Nt: so did u
AsHLiiNa: lol adrienne was always chipmunky
BallerOFp8Nt: lol
BallerOFp8Nt: ahha
AsHLiiNa: lol aww thanks
BallerOFp8Nt: np, tis' true
AsHLiiNa: yeah i uhh definately was horrible in 8th grade lol
BallerOFp8Nt: lol
AsHLiiNa: i highlighted my hair, it looks dark in the pics but its really blonde ish
BallerOFp8Nt: nice:-)
AsHLiiNa: lol yeah
AsHLiiNa: i remember u rated me an i still an 8?
BallerOFp8Nt: ur like a 9-10 now
AsHLiiNa: lol woah thats alot coming from you
BallerOFp8Nt: haha yes
AsHLiiNa: so you have to tell me about everyone at north
AsHLiiNa: who got gay
AsHLiiNa: who changed alot
BallerOFp8Nt: aha ok
BallerOFp8Nt: u c kristen lately?
AsHLiiNa: yes
BallerOFp8Nt: ok, moving on...
BallerOFp8Nt: lol
AsHLiiNa: lmao!
AsHLiiNa: still the same pat <3
BallerOFp8Nt: yerp i am
AsHLiiNa: yes but moving on
BallerOFp8Nt: felix
AsHLiiNa: lolll
BallerOFp8Nt: is gangstar:-(
AsHLiiNa: awww felix
BallerOFp8Nt: but kinda struggles ot reaslise of it
BallerOFp8Nt: he sees me skate, and trys, and busts his ass...he attempting
AsHLiiNa: lolll aww
AsHLiiNa: is he still chubbmaster b
BallerOFp8Nt: def.
AsHLiiNa: aw
BallerOFp8Nt: lol
BallerOFp8Nt: hmmm
BallerOFp8Nt: sam bravo is stuck up kinda
BallerOFp8Nt: still hot though
AsHLiiNa: lol
BallerOFp8Nt: dave newman is built like a tank
AsHLiiNa: loll aww id love to see that kid now
BallerOFp8Nt: his leg is the size of me:-(
AsHLiiNa: is he still the same goofy peice of shit
BallerOFp8Nt: yesssss
BallerOFp8Nt: and stupid as shit
AsHLiiNa: did he get taller?
BallerOFp8Nt: nope
AsHLiiNa: aww
BallerOFp8Nt: me, i wear white ppl clothes
BallerOFp8Nt: skate, and do white stuff
AsHLiiNa: lol
AsHLiiNa: im still a tom boy but i got rid of the converse shit
BallerOFp8Nt: lol
BallerOFp8Nt: i fugured, u still like southpark
BallerOFp8Nt: :-)
AsHLiiNa: i have es shoes, vans, etc, and all skate clothes
AsHLiiNa: yeah but south park is awesome either way
BallerOFp8Nt: i have etnies and kswiss, im kinda preppy/skater
AsHLiiNa: thats cool, thats cool
BallerOFp8Nt: yerp
BallerOFp8Nt: i wear polos anmd shit
AsHLiiNa: i sorta have a rep as the class clown/ slut/ bitch lol
BallerOFp8Nt: slut?
AsHLiiNa: yea
BallerOFp8Nt: really?
AsHLiiNa: im not a slut but girls think i am
BallerOFp8Nt: ohh
AsHLiiNa: yeah
BallerOFp8Nt: u should come to north
BallerOFp8Nt: its so much fun
BallerOFp8Nt: like 8th grade
BallerOFp8Nt: lol
AsHLiiNa: yeah south doesnt hold a candle to 8th grade
AsHLiiNa: its pathetic, but like sometimes in a gay class im like "jesus i wonder what felix, pat, dave, etc are doing"
BallerOFp8Nt: haha
BallerOFp8Nt: me 2
AsHLiiNa: but i wouldnt be in any of yer classes cause my mom pushed me up into all track 1 classes
BallerOFp8Nt: about u adrienne
AsHLiiNa: awww
BallerOFp8Nt: i miss you guys:-(
AsHLiiNa: lol pat, for real, i think i might cry lol
AsHLiiNa: idk why i chose south
BallerOFp8Nt: yea, me ethier
BallerOFp8Nt: :-(
AsHLiiNa: :-(
AsHLiiNa: oooh
AsHLiiNa: i have brian slocum in my gym lol
AsHLiiNa: his voice got DEEP
BallerOFp8Nt: haha
BallerOFp8Nt: still goofy?
AsHLiiNa: and hes still a nerd
AsHLiiNa: lol si
BallerOFp8Nt: HAHA
AsHLiiNa: lolll
AsHLiiNa: i see you and felix walking to school alot
AsHLiiNa: cause i have to pass north to get to south
BallerOFp8Nt: i dont walk nemore
BallerOFp8Nt: i ride bikes :-)
AsHLiiNa: yeah ive seen that lol
BallerOFp8Nt: ahaha
BallerOFp8Nt: say something next time
AsHLiiNa: i was like "....."
BallerOFp8Nt: like "hry sexi"
BallerOFp8Nt: hey
BallerOFp8Nt: ;
BallerOFp8Nt: ;-)
AsHLiiNa: i would but my mom doesnt want me yelling shit out of the window cause i did that once last year remember?
AsHLiiNa: and u didnt know it was me
BallerOFp8Nt: ahha yes
AsHLiiNa: like one day im gonna go to kristens
AsHLiiNa: and walk to yer house and felix;s
AsHLiiNa: OH GOD kristens still with dan
BallerOFp8Nt: omg doooooo it
BallerOFp8Nt: yea i know
BallerOFp8Nt: kinda weird ifu ask me
BallerOFp8Nt: felix moved
BallerOFp8Nt: he lives in beachwood, still goes to north though
BallerOFp8Nt: and still is bumming it out at my house
AsHLiiNa: omggg tell him to go to south!
BallerOFp8Nt: he wont
BallerOFp8Nt: north is ot good
BallerOFp8Nt: to
AsHLiiNa: yeah hed do good there
AsHLiiNa: not south
BallerOFp8Nt: he makes his skinny ass mom drive him
AsHLiiNa: lollll
BallerOFp8Nt: and i mexicoon it out on my bike
AsHLiiNa: who are the popular kids in our grade
BallerOFp8Nt: in north?
BallerOFp8Nt: same as 8th grade
AsHLiiNa: lol i bet youd be suprised im actually pretty popular at i know alot of people
BallerOFp8Nt: yea me2, i know like everyone
AsHLiiNa: same
AsHLiiNa: idk i made varsity soccer, then like i met EVERYONE
BallerOFp8Nt: lol
AsHLiiNa: and i changed over sumemr
BallerOFp8Nt: me2
BallerOFp8Nt: i started skating over the summer
AsHLiiNa: nice, nice, ive stopped.. i just wear the clothes now
BallerOFp8Nt: me2
BallerOFp8Nt: with ryan cappuzzo
BallerOFp8Nt: u know andy?
BallerOFp8Nt: on myspace?
AsHLiiNa: capuzo...heard that name
AsHLiiNa: how do i know it
AsHLiiNa: ok ok
AsHLiiNa: i remember..yeah idk he added me as his friend
BallerOFp8Nt: yea
BallerOFp8Nt: andy i pb with him
BallerOFp8Nt: hes awesome
AsHLiiNa: lol would i get along with him
BallerOFp8Nt: im like mad good at it to
BallerOFp8Nt: im sponsored
AsHLiiNa: awesome
AsHLiiNa: im proud of you sexy
BallerOFp8Nt: :-)
AsHLiiNa: i have a picture of you on my wall
AsHLiiNa: hahah dont worry, everyones pictures are on there
BallerOFp8Nt: no u dont
BallerOFp8Nt: hah
BallerOFp8Nt: bout to say "stalker?"
AsHLiiNa: i really do, pictures from 8th - 9th
AsHLiiNa: noooo lol
AsHLiiNa: im not psycho
BallerOFp8Nt: hha
BallerOFp8Nt: sure?
AsHLiiNa: yes
BallerOFp8Nt: ive thined out since 8th grade
AsHLiiNa: psh i havent lol
BallerOFp8Nt: lol
AsHLiiNa: just taller
BallerOFp8Nt: yea
AsHLiiNa: im like 5'8
BallerOFp8Nt: im 5'7
BallerOFp8Nt: ish
AsHLiiNa: haha :P
BallerOFp8Nt: maybe 5'8
BallerOFp8Nt: i was like 5'4
BallerOFp8Nt: ahaha
AsHLiiNa: lolll
AsHLiiNa: yeah so was i
BallerOFp8Nt: u were always taller than i
AsHLiiNa: lol it feels good to catch up
AsHLiiNa: ok so i was 5'5
BallerOFp8Nt: yea
BallerOFp8Nt: lol
BallerOFp8Nt: omg isaw mr walsh
AsHLiiNa: omg!!
AsHLiiNa: where
BallerOFp8Nt: wallgreens
BallerOFp8Nt: lol
BallerOFp8Nt: in the summer
BallerOFp8Nt: im like "MR WALSH!"
BallerOFp8Nt: felix was with me
BallerOFp8Nt: and hes like, "felix ur still a big boy"
BallerOFp8Nt: and i laughed
BallerOFp8Nt: also, im like racist now
AsHLiiNa: oh pat, ive always been racist
BallerOFp8Nt: i call niggers "jawas"
AsHLiiNa: hahaha
BallerOFp8Nt: so i can be like " look at that jawa. he has jawa lips!" right in front of em
BallerOFp8Nt: and there like wtf
AsHLiiNa: ever since i learned spanish all i do is talk it in front of spics and theyre like "que?"
BallerOFp8Nt: HA
BallerOFp8Nt: ur in espaniol tres o dos?
AsHLiiNa: dos
AsHLiiNa: hahah
BallerOFp8Nt: me 2
BallerOFp8Nt: i HATE spanish though
BallerOFp8Nt: all nigger in my class
BallerOFp8Nt: im in all honors
BallerOFp8Nt: except spanish
BallerOFp8Nt: so i get the negro crowd
BallerOFp8Nt: and there ironic uses of the "n" word
AsHLiiNa: omg once
AsHLiiNa: i went on my x friend jackies bus
AsHLiiNa: full of negros
BallerOFp8Nt: hahaha
BallerOFp8Nt: hahaa!
AsHLiiNa: so funny
BallerOFp8Nt: omg i laughed out loud
BallerOFp8Nt: seriously
BallerOFp8Nt: hahaha
AsHLiiNa: hahaha
BallerOFp8Nt: first time i accually meant "lol"
AsHLiiNa: loll good :D
AsHLiiNa: oh and
BallerOFp8Nt: im still laughing
AsHLiiNa: this new kids alex is a jew
BallerOFp8Nt: lol
AsHLiiNa: and as soon as i found out i brought in a draidel and like me and i swear 20 other people got in a circle and started spinning it and singing "draidel draidel draidal" not having a fucking clue what we were doing
BallerOFp8Nt: omg.....
BallerOFp8Nt: sooooooooo funyn
BallerOFp8Nt: funny
AsHLiiNa: lol are you laughing at that
BallerOFp8Nt: yessssss
BallerOFp8Nt: lol
AsHLiiNa: lol i have soo many more stories!
BallerOFp8Nt: by any chance, do u have adriennes sn?
BallerOFp8Nt: me2
AsHLiiNa: but ill have to tell you later cause i g2g
AsHLiiNa: nah i dont sry =\
BallerOFp8Nt: nooooo
BallerOFp8Nt: ddont go
AsHLiiNa: i have too eatttt
AsHLiiNa: ill be on soon
BallerOFp8Nt: ok fine
AsHLiiNa: lol
BallerOFp8Nt: slut
BallerOFp8Nt: lol
AsHLiiNa: si si
BallerOFp8Nt: haha, later
AsHLiiNa: byeeee cuddlemuffin
BallerOFp8Nt: bye bluberryshortcake
Auto response from AsHLiiNa: PSH IS THERE ANYONE HOTTER?
BallerOFp8Nt: nope:-)
BallerOFp8Nt is away at 6:46:04 PM
so thats all for now <33333