Test Results

Dec 10, 2009 16:00

Initial blood tests returned mostly normal.  Uric acid was 9.1 mg/dL, when 2.4 - 8.2 is normal.  Total cholesterol was 207 mg/dL, when 100 - 199 is normal.  Triglycerides were 160 mg/dL, when 0 - 149 is normal.  LDL cholesterol was 117 mg/dL, when 0 - 99 is normal.  Ketones were 2+, when negative is normal.  Lyme IgG/IgM antibodies were 7.95, when less than 0.91 is normal.

HIV and Chlamydia tests returned negative (no surprises there, but good to know).  Blood glucose levels were normal, but since I have spent the past couple years developing a near-zero-carb diet, and since I had not eaten for ten hours prior to my blood being drawn, that doesn't necessarily negate the possibility of some sort of hyperglycemia.

The doctor did explain that people with diabetes don't normally react to sugar intake itself but may have problems when their glucose levels move outside the normal range, so she has no idea what my problem might be, given that I react negatively to the consumption of carbohydrates, not just high/low glucose levels built up over time (and, in fact, seem incapable of having low blood glucose levels even while consuming only meat and water).

On the other hand, high ketone levels are indicative of a few things: starvation; hypoglycemia; genetic problems with metabolism; and ketoacidosis, generally resulting from diabetes.  I certainly don't have hypoglycemia, though I did many years ago (which is what makes the reversal seem strange).  I don't know whether the lack of food that single day prior to testing was enough to elevate my ketone levels or whether my generally poor diet and malnutrition could encompass the starvation cause.  I have no idea if I have any genetically caused metabolic problems, though I wouldn't rule it out, and I still have not actually been tested for diabetes.  Was also supposed to be tested for additional diseases which are not listed on these results, so am confused about that. rar

Update: Also, the psychiatrist has prescribed me a one-month minimum dosage of citalopram and will be seeing me again in two weeks (on Tuesday) to check for adverse reactions and likely up the dose. At some point after that, she may add a mood stabilizer (which seemed likely, from what she was saying).


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