radiohead = now

Oct 10, 2007 01:48

I got the link to download around 12:40 while I was chatting to JC (yay for it not getting lost like the confirmation email!) and while there are some tracks that need another listen to fully sink in, I reallly LOVE what they did with 'Nude'. it's been one of my fav. unreleased songs since I started listening to them.

Of the other tracks, 15 Step, Weird Fishes/Arpeggi, All I Need, House of Cards, Jigsaw Falling Into Place (oh mayyn, I never heard this song in any form in my life and it rocked me!) and Videotape (I liked how they kept it simple) hit me the first time.

That's a pretty nice amount considering I'm one of the few fans who disliked Kid A and most of what they've done this decade (as I've probably mentioned before; maybe when I posted the Thom Yorke solo album? or maybe when HTTT came out? ..ahah). I think it's 'cause I secretly (okay! not so secretly! at least a year or two after it came out, it wasn't a secret. I did pretend to like it then) liked the bootleg versions of those Kid A tracks. at least this album does it all justice!

Anyway, now I really can't wait for that bonus disc in December.

This album got me pumped!

[Edit: Second listen... 'All I Need'.. the beat sounds like a Boards of Canada track, yes or no? roygbiv perhaps? I need to get it out later and compare

Alright, done with second listen, compared BoC to it and... not quite, but it does have that same sound if not the same melody, okay? I swear it!]
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