Still in Consideration Mode:

Dec 03, 2004 00:54

I figure by next week (I don't like to post important stuff on the weekend; uh, this is important, y'know??), I shall post my top albums list (it is taking more consideration than I figured by looking at the list. see, I've narrowed it down to 33 and that is no good. it pains me to take ones out that I sort've liked earlier this year. I should listen to determine the outs...), but in the meantime, if you missed last year's, take a look: click.

I figure this year, I shall organise it better. that year I just threw something together in like 2min and two of the albums on the list I had received that very day and listened to about once each thus it wasn't as accurate. see, I barely listened to some of those albums this year, so I felt that determines such factors. the #4 album I think I listened to the most this year -- possibly since I kept giving people copies and had to listen each time.. yesss.

Anyway, I plan to post maybe a small bit of commentary concerning at least the top 10 and perhaps I'll link the mp3s I have from whichever albums I list and might even upload more if I feel like it for the ultimate top albums. if this all seems too much by next week, well, I'll let you know, but I figure it's not that difficult to produce.

Plus, if that weren't enough, I think I shall have an honourable mention section for albums I was introduced to / discovered this year, but are nowhere close to made this year (I'm honestly still determining whether to add those ones I thought were '04 -- well, one on amazon does say '04, but the packaging says otherwise.. it seems oh so naughty which is silly).


[Edit: I have now come up with a rough draft of the list! it was very hard! based on commentary, I'm either keeping it in the spot I have it or moving it up or down depending. it's amazing how commentary can help me decide, so yes, now every album has commentary. this is turning way too High Fidelity for my liking.. I mean, compared to last year's toss off. of course, now I'm pressuring myself since I built it up.. HAH! that's what I get for planning!

I still am having reservations concerning the '03 album since I realised if I put that on there, why not an album a month earlier and so forth? just 'cause one site says '04 since maybe it's a second printing; that makes it okay to list it? I am not sure. oh the rules! oh the humanity! nonetheless, whatever I do, no one shall die with the end result]
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