Late. Oh well.
Yeah, it's been a long month. But, to celebrate arriving at spring break, I give you some cool stuff.
Behold- furniture made from wood shavings!
Isn't it cool!? They use resin and woodshavings in molds to create forms, and then add legs and stuff.
The article has pictures of the process and more furniture and you should totally check it out.
Second awesome thing of the month- a kitchen that could fit in your bathroom!
It's a compact, rotating kitchen which includes microwave, dishwasher, and sink. It also have a set of sliding doors that can close so it just looks like a futuristic closet.
The article again has more info.
And finally, the last awesome thing of the month, which has no picture immediately here because it is too awesome for that- creating fake creation rooms for concepts for popular video games, as though the items in them were being created lifesize!
Too confusing? Check out the pictures and stories in
the article for a better explanation and a good laugh. Seriously, it's worth it.