I am writing in my journal.
In the interests of starting an infinite chain and/or loop, let's try something interesting here.
If you read this, put a post up in your journal that says "I am writing about
aeire writing in her journal", with a link back to this post, and an explanation of the game behind an LJ-cut. The next person in line adds the former person's name to the list - so if say,
avaaricious were to see the above text in
sandradelete's journal, for example, she would make a post saying "I am writing about
sandradelete writing about
aeire writing in her journal." Each additional person adds the former person's name, with the intent of making as long and complicated a string as possible - I'm curious as to how many people will add themselves to the list, and how long the string will get, before it loops back around or grinds to a halt.
So play, if you want!