Got on Neo

Oct 06, 2008 10:44

My sensible side was saying get someone more experienced to get on him first. But my less sensible side was saying he's mine and I want to be the first to get on him. The non sensible side won!

Yesterday I had 2 people at the yard to help. Tacked him and and decided I'd get on on a grassy bit in the yard area. One person held him and I got a leg up and just leaned over him at first. Then gently put my leg over and sat up in the saddle. He didn't seem at all bothered and was being distracted by carrots. Unfortunatley someone turned up in a landrover and slammed their door which spooked him a little (only because he couldn't see them). We then led him a very short walk acorss the yard back to the barn door. He was fine with me on his back and it felt great to feel him walking along, I think he's going to be a very comfey ride!

As I went to get off he had a mini panic and if it wasn't for someone holding onto him we would probably of had our first gallop :-). I think it was as I shifted my weight and my leg brushed along his side. I must admit I was a bit nervous at this point as I'd taken my feet out of the stirrups to get off. He calmed down and I slid off and gave him lots more carrots and cuddles.

So happy to have backed him even though he did have a mini spaz attack.

Next time I think I'll just have him in a headcollar or put the headcollar on under his bridle for holding him as he's still not that used to the bit in his mouth so being held by the reins when he panicked probably made it worse. It was also very blustry day, so not the best conditions for staying calm. He was probably also annoyed I'd dragged him in too!
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