Aug 25, 2007 21:15
So, I am sitting here now, realizing that another summer is drawing to a close, and I will soon be back at school with the chaps, continuing my studies. I am pretty excited about that, but I thought it was time to reflect on the summer (and year) that was.
I was very anxious a year ago when I started this journal, considering I was parting with everything that made my life comfortable. It worked out alright for me, that college thing. Still, I was looking forward to this summer when I wrote those first few entries - looking forward to the longest summer of my life. Unfortunately life stepped in the way of those plans and I was stripped of much that would have made this summer and life in general, peachy. I suppose I can not complain, however. I still have my health (as far as I know), a mother, brother, grandparents, and a good (although rather smaller) group of friends. I worried last summer that people would change, and I find those fears unfounded. All that has changed is our preference for who we share our company with. No reason spending time with people you do not really enjoy I suppose. No reason to bear people simply because of the social graces necessary in High School.
It will be good to get back to the U of R. I was not really looking forward to it until my friends started departing for their own schools, but now that that has begun, I would rather just get the move over with. That being said, I feel like I am leaving the family in an awful lurch. I suppose I will be coming back quite a bit on weekends to help out. I owe them that and so much more.
I realize now at the end of this that it has been a month since my last entry. I was excited then about a rather large number of books I ordered. I suppose I should give an update on my progress. I have managed to go through six of them so far - the first six books of the Harry Potter series. I’m not going to post my complete thoughts on the series until I have read the Deathly Hallows, but I will say that they have certainly kept me entertained.
God bless