Dec 12, 2008 16:36
I left for a number of reasons. All have to do with the school I was at last. First and foremost, though my contract stated I would have a self contained elementary classroom they placed me in a rotating middle school classroom. Next, they gave me a choice of what subject. I said anything but social studies. They made me the social studies teacher.
First and foremost (lol, all of the reasons are first and foremost) the school was completely out of control. Students ran the school, were attacking teachers with no reprimand or support of administration or climate staff. Yes, Philly schools are bad..but I have been in three others and had experienced NOTHING like that.
First and foremost, the neighborhood was really bad. It was fearful for me, a white female, to walk to the corner market without harrassment. Yes, Philly is bad. In the three schools and three neighborhoods (which equals five total different neighborhoods...and I am actually talking only adult because as a child I lived in Philly) I have never experienced that. School was often on lock-down due to highly violent crime occuring within blocks. For example, week two someone shot/killed a cop with a shot gun in the face at 9am within blocks. Our school was on lock down until just about before school closed, when they caught the guy. That was just the first of multiple lock downs. In my other schools lockdowns occurred when local highschool students entered the building to visit old teachers, or fifth graders brought box cutters to school or an outraged parent entered the building...small stuff. I think once at Barratt there was a shoot out, but the way south philly region operates is anywhere in the south philly region all schools are on other regions it's within a 5 or 10 block radius the specific school goes on lock down.
First and foremost, the union or district could not support a transfer in anyway. Though a contract was made, legally the contract only supported the school...stating that for two years I would not go to ANY other school within the district. I fought hard to stay in the district but leave the school, there was just no option.
I came to the decision because there was no way out and it's my career. I realized that though I want to serve and sacrifice there has to be a balance between serving and being selfless and enjoying your career and feeling safe during everday life.
Of course, not many would hire a teacher in the middle of the school year who had just left. I had some options for daycare/preschool. I opted to go to the social service field because an awesome opportunity came my way and I felt I would grow more and be more challenged than I would at a preschool.
And boy was I right! I have learned so much that I can't believe I EVER walked into a classroom without the experience and new knowledge about mental health (that no doubt nearly all students face going to school each day), special education, how the systems that serve famileis work, community resources and work with families rather than getting them to work for you...and on and on.
I def want to go back to teaching one day, but I am happy now, too. At least Id on't have daily dreams anymore. They stopped a couple months ago. I am still waiting for a Jersey certificate to be able to apply but with the way the job market is, I am glad I am in something I enjoy for the timebeing.
I consider going back to Philly. I think they'd hire me. I've seen it done. But no matter where I go if it's a city I will be highly HIGHLY selective about the neighborhood and demand that I obtain school climate records, academic statistics, etc about the school. I am not saying I want something easy, no school, city or suburbs even, is easy....but I do want to be safe and know that adults are running the show...