'# LOVE...PAIN [epilogue] - Five certain words

Jul 24, 2010 19:16

TITLE: '# LOVE...PAIN [EPILOGUE] / Five certain words
PAIRING: Junsu/Key, Onew/Taemin, Jonghyun/Minho
MEMBERS: Jaejoong, Changmin
GENRE: romance, drama
WARNING: Unbeta-ed
SUMMARY: Junsu and Key are in a relationship for three months now. It's the first time since august, that all SHINee members have a day off. To use that opportunity they decide on a somewhat strange group date. Well, what happens if Jaejoong goes shopping with Taemin, Minho has to endure Changmin and whose porn collection and Key's ex boyfriend goes "out" with whose new boyfriend?
['# CHAPTER 1] ['# CHAPTER 2]
['# CHAPTER 3] ['# CHAPTER 4]


"Jagiya. Wake up, Jagiya, it's time to get dressed.", Junsu was whispering in Key's ear. But the latter wasn't all too willing to wake up. "Jagiya." No response. Kibum only snuggled up to Junsu a little bit more. He didn't open his eyes at all. the older one was smiling softly, holding the delicate boy tightly in his arms.
"Come on Jagiya, the others won't wait for us." "Just five more minutes", Kibum tried to negotiate, voice soft and tired. He still wasn't opening his eyes. "Two minutes." "Three and a half?" Junsu chuckled, "Fine, three minutes. But only if I get a kiss." "Eeeew, brush your teeth first" "Oh come on Yeobo, don't do that to me." Key could hear the pout in the older man's voice. He didn't need to see Junsu's face, to know that he was pouting by now. "Fine, but stop pouting, that's so not fair."

Junsu smirked slightly. He always won over his younger lover. Kibum locked their lips together and the older one responded eagerly. Like always their at first so gentle kiss grew into something wild and needy. Junsu could feel heat crawling down his body. He sighed into the kiss as he felt Key's hands trailing down his back. The boy's fingers were tracing over his spine, pushing every bone ever so gentle. "Jagiya", he mumbled against the younger's lips, "we don't have time...", he tried to be convincing, but his own body gave him away. Kibum broke the kiss, to let his lips trailing down Junsu's jawline. "Come on hyung. I will have you coming in less than ten minutes." Oh Junsu wouldn't doubt Key's words, but however there was no time for it right now. "We have to take a shower, brush our teeth, get your hair styled, get dressed, eat some breakfast", he numerated what they had to do before they could leave the house.
"Than, let us continue in the bathroom?" Key looked at him with pleading cat's eyes. He really had that look of a little kitten that was waiting for milk. "Ki...", Junsu moaned when one of Key's hands ended up touching his inner thighs. He had to put an end to it now, else they wouldn't be able to leave the house in time. He pulled away from Key, looking at him apologetically. "You know I'd love to... But we have no time right now." "Fine", Kibum rose from the bed. "But let me use the bathroom first. I have to take care of a little problem, right now." With that said the boy made his way into the bathroom. Junsu sighed. He knew that Key was offended. That happened at least once per day, so it wasn't anything new to him.

It was already october. They didn't have so much time to be together in the last months. Junsu had been occupied with his solo career and the activities with Jaejoong and Yoochun. And Kibum had been on world tournee with SMTOWN live and has been occupied with SHINee's promotion activities as well. They had been talking over the phone and writing emails over the internet, but they hadn't been able to see each other so often. But lately their lives were slowing down again and they got the chances to see each other more often. Key was staying at Junsu's place right now and tonight Junsu would be staying at Shinee's dorm. The other members of SHINee were already accustomed to the older male.
The boys have been planning something quite... interesting for the day. They would have a group date today. Well, it wasn't possible for such a big group of idols, to go unnoticed by fans. That's why they decided to split up and meet all together at the Shinee dorms around six pm. The "dates" were decided by drawing lots. And so it happened, that no real couple would go on a date together...


"Ah, Taeminnie, look, isn't that reaaally cute?", Jaejoong squeaked, clapping his hands. Taemin turned around, pure horror in his eyes. Jaejoong was holding a pinkish piece of clothing in his hands and the younger boy shivered just from the sight of it. "Hyung, please, I'm not Key, you know?" "But, it is totally made for you! Go and try it on!" "Hyung! It's a baby doll. Why would I even wear that?" "Because it's cute." Taemin sighed. Why did he have to be paired with Jaejoong? Actually going shopping was okay. But shopping with Jaejoong was a torture. "And anyway, why are we at the women's section? Just to remind you, I'm a boy." "But with your new hair you would make a fine girl. I think Onew would love that." The boy cocked an eyebrow, tilting his head to the site. "Jinki wouldn't be together with me, if he wanted a girl by his side." "Uhm... I think you missed a spot. Think about it. Isn't Key not totally girlish too? First him, now you, I think Jinki likes girlish boys." Taemin gasped. It was creepy how Jaejoong totally had his own logic.

While Jaejoong continued searching for baby dolls and other girly clothes, Taemin escaped into the teen's section. He forgot his surrounding completely when he found some nice clothings, and started to try them on. Sure Jaejoong and he were supposed to spend their day together, but shopping with the older one, wasn't really relaxing. It was exhausting and Taemin was sure, that they never would be able to find some common ground on which to base. Not in the matter of picking clothes together. Some weeks ago he got a strange looking jacked from Jaejoong. He got to know afterwards, that Key already refused to take that jacket. And so that strange piece of cloth was given to SHINee's maknae, great.

Taemin was satisfied after he found a new pair of black stone washed skinny jeans and a printed tee that seemed perfectly fitting is small frame. He was just about to pay for the clothes, when Jaejoong embraced his back, startling him nearly to death. "Oh Taeminnie, you can't buy that!" "Why not?", the boy seemed to falter. "Because Jinki kills me, when you look all sexy." Taemin sighed, proceeding to buy the clothing though. "Taeminnie, please." He shook his head and gave his money to the salesclerk. "Hyung, trust me, Jinki will love to see that things on me for sure", Taemin smirked.


So here they were. Sitting on the sofa in Yunho's and Changmin's place. The older one wasn't here right now - occupied with, well who knew what. Jonghyun wasn't really happy when he got to know, that Minho would be with Changmin the whole day. But he hadn't any chance to prevent that "date" from happening.
Minho shifted on his seat, hands clenching into the hem of his t-shirt which was already sweaty by now. It was his own fault though that he had to endure this kind of situation now. Why did he let Changmin choose their activities for their so called date? He should have known better, than to come to the latter's dorm. A strange noise came from the television in front of them and he had quite a hard time not to take a look at the screen again. A look beside him, told him, that Changmin was totally calm. His gaze was focused at the TV. His breathing was quiet and steady and nothing indicated, that he could be as aroused as Minho was right now. A loud moan from the television went directly into Minho's groin and he suppressed a groan himself. Letting himself sink deeper into the cushions; he tried to calm down. Why was it so hot in here and why was his jeans suddenly so tight and... yeah, why did they have to watch gay porn?! That couldn't really be happening right now.

"Minho?" He whimpered softly and opened his eyes to meet Changmins gaze. "Are you okay?" The younger was questioning himself how often the older male must have been watching the porn till now, because he seemed still totally unimpressed. Only a sly grin told Minho that he actually was enjoying that. But he had the bad feeling, that Changmin didn't enjoy the porn itself, but seeing his guest all aroused and heated. "You know, I'd love to help you with that", Changmin pointed to the visible bulge in Minho's pants, "but I'm too young to die through Jaejoong's or Jonghyuns hand's." The boy wheezed and got up from the sofa. "'Cuse me", he mumbled before he stumbled his way out of the living room, leaving a smirking Changmin behind.


"Well..." "Yeah...", Junsu looked up from the drinks menu in his hands, to face Jinki. The two men were sitting in an pavement café but hadn't really anything to talk about. Heavy silence hung between them and none of them seemed to know what he should say. It wasn't a pleasant situation they were in. "Junsu?" "Yeah?" "Don't ever hurt Kibum." Junsu frowned. "Who are you to tell me that?" Jinki shrugged. "I just wanted to..." "To what?", the older cut him short. He could feel how anger was growing in him. Was Jinki nuts? "Weren't you the first to hurt him? Didn't you and Taemin betray him, causing him to feel sick whenever he had to see you two?" He kept his voice calm, but inside he felt the urge to hit the younger one square in the face. Key seemed to be okay now. He seemed to be over Jinki, but Junsu was sure, that the diva never would be able to forget how his so called friends had been betraying him. It was Onews luck, that Junsu wasn't a fan of using violence.

"I never meant to hurt Kibum in the first place", Jinki explained. "It just happened that I gave in to Taemins confession and his feelings for me." "And why didn't you break up with Kibum, before you got together with Taemin?" "I was a coward. I wasn't able to tell him because I was scared for SHINee." "No Jinki, you weren't a coward. You weren't scared for the group", Junsu responded, looking him stern in the eyes, "You just were selfish. You were scared for yourself. Afraid of Kibum's reaction because you didn't want to lose what you have had." It was strange. Both men were known as cheerful and happy persons. But the talk they were having right now, was far off being happy or cheerful. They didn't laugh, they didn't smile and there weren't any jokes either. "Maybe you're right", Jinki admitted, sighing deeply. "We broke up after he found out about us... I wanted to explain everything to him. But he wouldn't even listen to me. If it wasn't for you, I don't think SHINee would still be okay." Jinki seemed to understand now, that he had made some big mistakes before and Junsu was beginning to pity him.


The two boys were leaving a jeweler right now, heading to the black van that was waiting for them. Key and Jonghyun have been spending the whole day with going shopping, playing video games at a video arcade and buying groceries for tonight's dinner. They got on the van's backseats, totally exhausted and both sighing heavily. Jonghyun knew all too well how stressful it could be to go shopping with Kibum. But he had been happy nonetheless when he got paired up with the younger one. After Kibum's break up with Jinki; the rapper didn't want to go out with any of his band mates. He shut himself into his own room, not talking to anyone. It's been an age that they went out together and he was glad that Key was back to normal, now that he was together with Junsu. The older did Kibum good.

"Kibum?" "Jjong?", Kibum smiled. "Are you happy?" "Sure, I was having a nice time, going shopping with you." "No, I mean, are you happy with Junsu hyung?" The younger male tilted his head. "Why are you asking that all of a sudden?" "Can't I even care for my best friend's happiness?" "Sure you can", Key was smiling softly. "Yes, I'm happy, more than you could ever imagine." "That's good. Because if you weren't happy, I couldn't give this to you."
Jonghyun took out a black casket and gave it to Key. "What's that?" "Don't ask." Kibum shrugged and opened the little casket. He nearly teared up when he saw what was inside. Jonghyun got him a pair of studs. Studs that were actually the initials of him and Junsu... or? "Jjong!", he squeaked, examining the studs in awe. "But they don't mean Jonghyun and Key, do they?" "Babo, of course not." "Thank you!" The younger male pulled Jonghyun into a tight hug, smiling brightly.


Like appointed they all met around six pm at the SHINee dorms. Jonghyun was the first to approach Minho. The poor boy looked somehow worn out. Jaejoong and Key went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for the group. Nobody seemed really surprised by that. But what surprised, was how close Jinki and Junsu seemed to be after their alone time. Kibum - standing in the hall - watched with a frown how the two older males played chess together and laughed as if they were the best of friends.
"Kibum? KIBUM!" The boy flinched, turning around to Jaejoong who was leaning against the door frame. "What is?", he snarled. What him earned a puzzled look from the older. "I was asking you if you already seasoned the soup?" "I did." "Good." Jaejoong left the kitchen, going into the living room, to set the dining table that was standing in a corner of said room. Changmin and Taemin were playing video games, while Minho was sitting on the sofa. Jonghyun was lying beside him, resting his head on his lover's lap.

Kibum returned into the kitchen busying himself with the stove. He didn't notice the young man that came into the kitchen. Junsu tiptoed till he was standing behind the rapper. Not saying anything he encircled his lover's small waist. Kibum tensed in his arms but relaxed, when he smelled Junsu's scent. "Junsu", he pouted slightly, "I thought Jinki is going to confess to you at any moment." The older chuckled. "Jealous?" "You can bet!" The younger turned around to face Junsu. Searching for his gaze. "Oh Jagiya, don't be. I love you. Only you." Kibum smiled. Slowly he leaned in to kiss the older male's lips. Junsu knew how Key felt for him. He didn't need an outspoken confirmation. But his heart jumped nonetheless, when Key brought his lips to his ear, to whisper five certain words for the first time since they came together. "I love you too Junsu."


So that's it. Definitive.
Comments would be much appreciated <3
And I need some ideas for my next ff please xD

member: changmin, band: dbsk, member: jaejoong, genre: romance, genre: crossover, !fanfiction, member: ot5, pairing: key/junsu, band: shinee, rating: pg, pairing: onew/taemin, pairing: joghyun/minho

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