'# LOVE...PAIN [1/4]

Jul 19, 2010 23:10

TITLE: '# LOVE...PAIN [1/4]
PAIRING: broken!OnewxKey, OnewxTaemin, JonghyunxMinho, Keyx?
GENRE: angst(?), romance, drama
RATING: G (for the start)
WARNING: Unbeta-ed
SUMMARY: Not long ago Key and Onew used to date. Their relationship was perfect, that was what Key was convinced of. That it wasn't as perfect as it seemed, became obvious when Onew left him so that he could be together with Taemin. Key now by himself; has a hard time mending his broken heart while locking himself up in his room. He can't know right know, that meeting a certain someone at a bar, will turn his (currently) miserable life upside down.
['# CHAPTER 2]['# CHAPTER 3]

Now, there he was, sitting in his room again - alone, surrounded by nothing but darkness. Heaving a sigh he threw himself on his bed and closed his eyes. No, he didn't intend to leave his room for the next two or three days. Well to be exact, he didn't want to ever leave his room again. He couldn't get himself to deal with the other boys of the group. Sure, especially Jonghyun paid him extra attention and tried to be extra careful when he was around, but Kibum didn't want his best friend to restrain himself.
He knew just to well how clingy he and Minho were since they finally managed to give in to their feelings for each other last month. Every other moment, Key would have been happy for them. Yeah, really, everyone in their dorm had known that Jonghyun and Minho were meant to be together. But the boys themselves didn't see that - or were just not ready to admit, that they actually wanted each other. But when Minho got an invitation from Changmin to head with him for Tokyo, Jonghyun did finally grab his chance and confessed what he hadn't been able to put into words till then. That pretty much was the story how the two of them got together. The couple wasn't all lovey-dovey - Key was sure that it wouldn't have matched with their mentality -, but they were all over each other, whenever there was the chance. More than once Onew had to bundle them off to their room, before they could go any further on the kitchen table or the sofa in the living room.

But well, back to Kibum. He just had the feeling, that he wouldn't be able to take the happy faces of the other four boys. Whereby Jonghyun and Minho weren't his biggest problem. No maybe he could stand their presence and looks they were sending each other. But who he wouldn't be able to stand, who he didn't want to see until he would have been able to mend his wounds he have suffered because of them. Key rather wanted not to think about them. But he couldn't hold back the thoughts that were coming to his mind. He knew that he was only hurting himself, but that didn't stop his brain on bringing up bittersweet memories. Key even feared to fall asleep, because he knew that he would dream of the time which Onew had given away too easily. Right, Jinki was the one to blame for him being suffering. With a howl he buried his face in his pillow. Why hadn't he realized what have been happening to them? Why hadn't he noticed the looks that Taemin has earned from Onew - from his boyfriend? Had he been just too ignorant to understand all the signs that had been right in front of him, waiting for him to discover them? But even if he had been seeing them, would there have been any possibility for him to react? Most likely not. He would be hurting anyways.

Just then he was hearing Taemins voice outside his room, calling Jinki for help with his homework and Kibum really wanted to vomit. How came that he was feeling sick whenever he was hearing or seeing them? Sure, they didn't go all sweet and loving on each other when Key was around, but he wasn't stupid. Now, that he knew everything, he noticed every move they made, saw every look they were giving each other, turned his head away by every smile the two boys exchanged. He already had considered to stay at Super Junior's place for a few days, but have scrapped that idea because they were just to many boys. He wanted to have some time for himself and with the whole Super Junior dorm around he wouldn't be able to relax. So the next idea his mind came up with; was to stay at Yunho's and Changmin's place, but the two of them have been currently busy and so he had to scrap that idea also. It seemed like there was just no chance for him to escape the happy atmosphere outside his room.

Sighing once again he got up. There was just no way, that he would be staying in his room all day. In a matter of a few minutes he got dressed and dashed out of his bedroom. Without looking at the four males in the living room he made his way to the apartment door. "Key, where are you going?" he heard Onews voice but he didn't bother to answer. He didn't have to give account; not to him, not anymore. He didn't have much interest in Jinkis concern or the fact that he was Shinee's leader and should be knowing where his band mates were going, especially at the evening hours. Kibum was aware of the fact that he could cause problems for his band mates, that he could hurt SHINee if he went on like that. But at the moment he couldn't care less. Maybe he was selfish, but he was too hurt to see that right now.
Without a word to his band mates he left the dorm, going down the stairs slowly.

Kibum was mindlessly strolling down the sidewalk. He wasn't in a hurry - he didn't even know were to go to. But when his IPOD repeated 'Love Pain' for the second time and short after MBLAQ's 'Y' for the third time, he knew that he was deep down with his emo phase. The sun began to set, but it was still warm. The summer heat didn't spare the city and it didn't seem like the temperatures would much decrease at night. Fifteen or maybe twenty minutes have been elapsing since Key left the dorm - not much time therefore - but he was already sweaty and didn't want to walk any further. That's why he suddenly decided to take a cab. When he saw a taxi coming down the street he stopped and waved with his right hand to get the driver's attention. The cab was stopping and Key crossed the street to get on.
"Good evening." "Hi", he responded to the greeting. "What's your destination?" "Oh.... eh..." Damn! He didn't think about that. "Any bar would be fine." The driver, a man probably in his thirties, gave him a "you are underage, aren't you" - kind of look, but nodded nonetheless and drove off.

Fifteen minutes later they arrived at a bar with a strange sounding European name. With a thanks Kibum paid for his ride and exited the car. For a few seconds he stood in front of the bar not sure if he really wanted to enter. But then he thought about his alternatives and shrugged. There wasn't anything else that he could be doing right now, there wasn't any other place for him tonight. Without any more hesitations he entered the bar and stopped in his tracks when he saw the interior. Really from the outside that place didn't look very attractive. But now that he was standing in the entrance he really was stunned. The interior was modern and cozy at the same time. Everything was kept in blue colors, the glassy counter was illuminated and large mirrors were hanging on the walls. It was a nice place, but what was bugging him was the fact, that the place somehow seemed really empty. But well, it was still early, maybe it was just not late enough to come to such a location.

Key took a seat at the bar looking around the room. "Hey, would you like to order something?" The bartender's voice startled him and he winced before his gaze met the older mans eyes. Did he want to order something? He wasn't sure... But he was at a bar, shouldn't he at least pretend that he was here for a reason? "Do you have Soju?" "The question is, do you have an ID with you?" Oh great! He just wanted to drink alcohol for once and than he was asked for is identification card. This question didn't exist in TV dramas, why had it to exist in the real life? That just wasn't fair. "I... think I let it at home", he explained, knowing how lame his excuse was. "Then how about water?" Key raised an eye brow was this guy making fun of him? "Jisun, it's okay, he belongs to me." Totally surprised Kibum turned around. He knew that voice all to well. "Hyung, you?... Why?" The other male came next to him smiling. "Good evening Kibum-ah, long time no see."


Here I go with my first chaptered Fan Fiction. I still don't know if there will be more than three chapters. Please be nice to me?
The "certain" someone will be revealed in the next chapter.

member: key, band: dbsk, genre: crossover, !fanfiction, pairing: broken!onew/key, band: shinee, member: jonghyun, genre: drama, raiting: g, pairing: onew/taemin, pairing: joghyun/minho

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