Amelia's Etiquette Guide to the Opera

Dec 04, 2007 17:07

1. Dress appropriately. No jeans, sneakers, tee-shirts. A gown is necessary for opening night and evening performances. Rehearsals and mid-day performances require a dress or an elegant non-work type suit
2. Personal grooming is absolutely necessary, but do not overburden yourself with perfume and the like. God knows if you really have good taste in perfume and won't offend the person sitting next to you
3. Tip the coat check person
4. Clap only in the appropriate places
5. Do NOT whistle or boo
6. Bravo, Brava, Bravi are the only acceptable forms of praise
7. All acts of snobbish indulgence are to be reserved for the intermission
8. Do not talk or use electronic devices during the performance
9.  Yes, you have to pay for a copy of the Libretto
10. Do not kill anyone on the premises

Thank you.

Kindest Regards,

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