Oct 31, 2008 11:27
So, tonight is Halloween. Joe and I were going to go as this year's "IT" couple (Sarah and Todd Palin, natch) but the fact that we're both sick, the fact that we spent Tuesday and Wednesday going back and forth to Norfolk (hence the sick), and the fact that the only party we're invited to is in a bar on a military base contribute to the fact that it seemed like a bad idea.
But today I was reminiscing on Halloweens past. Freshman year, I went as a slutty cheerleader. I think that is the last time I was forced into a stupid gender-normative costume.
Sophomore year my French Lit class was studying (in French!) Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre-Dame so I went as a gargoyle. The guy I was dating at the time asked if I could go as a pretty pink princess gargoyle and I declined. Smart move. I also made some awesome goth wings which I no longer own.
Junior year a group of friends and I went as pop stars and I was Shirley Manson. It was a completely normal effort to explore alternative hair colors. Someday, I'll be a red-head again.
Senior year (number one) I went as a succubus. And not a sexy succubus either. A realistic succubus.
Senior year (number two) the Dave and I went as Helena Bonham Carter and Brad Pitt from Fight Club.
First year out, I went as Trinity from The Matrix. It was sort of a default costume as I put it together in about 10 minutes after Sam called from the BoQ. It resulted in an unfortunate question from Specimen: "So...I'd like to see what you have on UNDER that costume." Ugh. And then I got involved in a full-fledged Southern Maryland brawl. I'm talking 20 guys in the parking lot swinging at each other and half the cops in the county showing up.
Last year I went on a ghost tour in St. Augustine with a bunch of co-workers/friends and it was awesome. Except for the regrettable Terry/flight suit incident.
So this year, I'll keep it tame. Joe and I will stay home, grill some dinner, hand out candy to the kids from the neighborhood, and wallpaper the house.