Sep 21, 2010 18:50
Okay, I figured out the secret to listening to Guns N Rose's newest album Chinese Democracy and not wanting to claw off your face:
1. Find all of the songs live. It doesn't even matter if they're shit quality on youtube. They'll still be better than the songs on the album.
2. Arrange them in order. Protip: if you're a big fucking loser like me, you won't be able to listen to any of the classic Guns songs the modern lineup plays without going WHERE IS SLASH I CAN'T HEAR SLASH OH GOD WHAT HATH SCIENCE WROUGHT. So don't even try.
4. Pretend this is not GNR, but The Axl Rose Solo Project.
3. Listen.
The biggest problem with this album is how painfully over-produced it is, and when performed live, it's really not that bad. I might actually be able to name more than two tracks on the album (this includes the title track) at this rate!
...does anybody on my flist even like GNR?
guns n roses