Omg I am so bored. I've mostly been working on original stuff, so I only have Dani to talk to about...well, anything lately.
I need to catch up on SPN, still. I need my Castiel and Dean fix. :*) If Sam were to mysteriously disappear and Dean was totally cool with this, I wouldn't really complain if Cas were there to keep him company. Especially if more titty bar adventures were to happen. OH, HOW I LOVE THEIR FRANDSHIP ♥.
Metalocalypse fandom is kind of slow lately. I have a fic or two to catch up on, and I haven't really felt like drawing anything, so my participation level is pretty low right now. I did, however, listen to the Dethalbum II twice yesterday on headphones and I swear to god my face fucking melted off of my skull it was that awesome. I was cleaning and headbanging at the same time. Harder than one would think, but hot damn was it ever cathartic. I keep trying to pick out my favorite songs, but every song has its own strong points. The Gears makes me want to get a Gear tattoo, though. SERIOUSLY,
I'm getting antsy for LOST to come back, what with the spoilers getting released here and there. Next semester is going to be interesting. No way in hell am I going to have Wednesday night classes.
New Heroes tonight. May or may not watch. Is it bad that I'm finding myself only REALLY interested in the Bennett and Petrelli storylines? :\ I am SO not sold on Matt's Sylar hallucinations. Eh. Maybe I'll watch if Dani lets me. It's just an hour and I don't think they're playing anything on VH1 Classic around that time.
Speaking of VH1 Classic, I am still overloading my brain with 70s-80s hard rock and metal stuff. Namely Motley Crue and Aerosmith. :| I am so madly and passionately in love with Aerosmith that I don't even know what to do with myself. IDGI. If you told me last year that they would be creeping slowly up my "Top Artists" on Last.Fm, I'd have slapped you. I'm just surprised by my love of glam metal, though, since I've already been down this dusty road D: Granted, it was in early high school, but man. It's still weird. Especially after Dani relentlessly teased me about it for the longest time. WHO IS LAUGHING NOW, HUH?
It's me 8D! olol okay time to do something else with myself.