My life in bullet points.
-Drawing and thinking about original glam metal bands for our massive Alternate Earth Universe.
-Teaching myself electric guitar. I can play "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and the opening of "Smoke on the Water" with minimal difficulty now. G chords make me want to die.
-Catching up on True Blood. I like Eric now. A lot. Whoda thought.
-Watching SPN premier. Loved it. Cas is my darling. I don't ship him and Dean. ...I swear I don't. D:
-Keeping up with VH1 Classic. Lots of concerts and ROCKumentaries! V. relevant to my interests right now.
-Oh. School. :\ I have only two once-a-week classes this semester. It's kind of nice to have all of this free-time, but it makes it really hard to get into the school mindset. Anxiety abound \o/!
-Dethalbum II is rocking my fucking balls off. "Bloodlines" and "Tampering With the Evidence at the Murder Site of Odin" send me into ecstatic fits. CANNOT WAIT to see them in October.