Come mingle with your fellow tinhatters I am an ass. I saw a few people's posts, and I was like, "OH WOW THEY SEEM COOL! I WANT TO BE THEIR FRIEND!" but then I realized I already had them friended. Stay bitchin' flist!
I feel like I should make a post about a certain Heroes spoiler (you know the one), but I think I've already weighed in enough on other journals. My official stance is, "IDGAF; will see how they handle it."
I think I'm going to go have a brownie and some soy milk, and then sort through the fanart I have lying around un-uploaded. Good times, good times :>
(PS: So I wrote some Jack/Ben porn. D: I don't...I don't know how to handle this, or what I should do with it. I post it? I also kind of want to do a 100-prompt-list series of AU fics where Benry Gale gets assimilated into the 815-ers and has snuggly, tender manlove with Jack every night in his tent. Oh god. Did I just type that all out? HAHAHAHA x( My imagination is a terrible place. idk, idk.)