Yay observations skills!

Oct 11, 2011 02:51

I've finally learned what it takes for me to be productive! Or creative:

1. I'm surrounded by other people doing something creative or productive.
2. I'm supposed to be asleep and waking up within the next hour.
3. I have 5 minutes left before whatever I'm supposed to do is needed.

And yet despite being in college now, and hitting all three of these on a regular basis, I still don't have that much done. Ah well.

Though I'll have plenty of fox art to show off once I have a scanner. Nothing good, but then that's always been a given. I am almost adjusted to the whole thing though - And almost done being semi-reclusive. It's amazing how I can keep in touch with people and still feel shut-in.

Expect regular updates and posts again soon! By which I mean me complaining about my life and promising creative stuff that never shows up. So same as before, really.

Stay well people. I'll have some stories to share. After I finish learning powerpoint. Yay slides...
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