Who: Link, Marth, and anyone who wants to bug him.
What: Awkward lunchbreak.
When: Lunch times! (OMNOMNOMNOMNOM)
Where: Cafeteria?
Warning(s): Awkwardness, and lots of milk on Link's part, so steer clear if you happen to be lactose-intolerant. Otherwise, none I can think of.
Link headed towards the cafeteria as he looked over his homework that was assigned in his algebra class. He had been lost the moment he had walked into the classroom, as he had no idea what algebra even was. He had been told it was math, but not this kind of math. He kept looking at the formulas he had been told to write down, and none of them made any sense at all. He hated this.
Once the Hylian walked in, he stuffed his papers in the bag he had purchased to carry his supplies for school, swiped his card to pay for his meal, grabbed a tray, and picked out what he wanted to eat for lunch. Utter confusion sure did make him hungry. And since he felt so bad for not understanding anything, he grabbed twice the amount of milk that he normally took to make himself feel better before finding a seat by the window to plop down in. He never thought he'd be thinking something like this, but it sure was easier to kill evil monsters than figure out what he was supposed to do with these classes he was in.