Who: Dojima and the police force (Open)
When: Today
Where: Junes
Warnings: None Really
This had to be the most ridiculous investigation Ryotarou had ever been involved in. It was bad enough with everything that happened before. The fog was just as thick, there were people complaining about being sick from it and thinking that they were all going to die. If he recalled correctly the last time the fog had rolled in, it simply rolled out. So, why the hell wasn’t it happening this time!?
He didn’t know why he was even going to believe what everyone had been saying. It was completely preposterous. People being kidnapped and pushed into a television, what drugs were people on? Still, he found himself at Junes tapping on each of the big screen televisions like a complete idiot. When this was all over… he was going to start putting rum in his coffee.