Who: Katsuya Suou, Ryotarou Dojima
Where: police station
When: one day after Shinji gets his cupcakes; late late night
Summary: Katsuya finally confronts Dojima about a certain act that kinda became public knowledge during the last event.
Warnings: possible cursing, confrontation about sex with a minor
Katsuya had been avoiding the question long enough now that his brain was beginning to stew. He couldn't avoid anymore. He didn't want to scare off Shinjiro so he decided he'd speak with Dojima. Besides, it was the elder that should be held responsible in his opinion. At least in most cases. And Dojima was a cop. He should be aware.
Katsuya shook his head clear as he re-entered the police building late that night. The reasoning didn't matter at the moment--just get it over with. He knew Dojima had been working extra, extra late since--well, for a while now. So that's when he went for it. He walked over to Dojima's space and hoped the find the officer there.