Who: Aizawa Kouichi and Gokudera
Where: The school library
When: In the morning as classes are starting on Wednesday
What: Kouichi is touring the school, and he unwittingly meets his new roommate... their first meeting does not go well.
Warnings: Gokudera's mouth, Kouichi's mind games.
Kouichi kept his hands in his pockets, his music-player on as he browsed through the rows and aisles of books. The sun was shining through the windows and he could see that this would be an excellent place to study when it would be needed. He browsed through the vast selection of research and reference documents and novels as well as a vast selection of books you could just read for enjoyment. He paused and pulled one out and smiled as he saw that it was an author he knew well. Putting the book back on the shelf he walked over to a window and stood in front of it, gazing out towards the cafeteria, watching some of the other students milling around the campus.
He smiled, watching all of them and he tilted his head, having to readjust his glasses to get the glare off of them from the sunlight. This.... he gave several thoughts towards Raimei and Miharu... especially Miharu, the Shinra banshō carrier had and was still his main priority but Shijima was with him, even in her cat form. He smiled, who knew, fate may decide to bring them all together again.
This early in the morning - Gokudera had been sure - the library would have been empty. Whether because most students were still sleeping or because they were in class. As it so happened, he should have been doing the latter, but... but instead he'd ducked into the building on a whim. Who the hell needed to take world history nowadays anyhow when you could find out anything you want to know on the internet?! Aside from the fact that all of that bullshit had already been drilled into his head by trying to help Jyuudaime and the baseball moron study. So he was ditching. Again.
He swore under his breath as he slipped into the library and found that he wasn't the only one playing hooky this morning. Pissed that his sanctuary had been defiled, he loudly stomped over to a shelf near the other student, pulled out several books and pushed them back in (loudly) before selecting one at random and tromping over to a table, scraping the chair out and plopping into it with an obnoxious sigh as he opened the book.
Koucihi sensed that there was someone around him and so he pulled out his earplugs before he gazed at the other. He blinked when he saw that the other had white hair, well silver-ish. It couldn't be another one... he and Shijima were the only survivors. Was it just premature graying? Poor guy. He tilted his head as he watched him stomp around and just fling around books. He continued to watch the other go around be pissed for apparently no reason. He offered a smile, making sure it was sweet as he went over to the other. "Hey, I don't mean to just barge in, but is something wrong?" he asked politely as he gazed at the younger boy.
There was just something about that tone...that overly polite tone to a complete stranger that made Gokudera want to punch the kid's lights out before he even spoke. He searched his pockets for his cigarette box and lighter as he returned the once over the albino asshole had given him. There done. Perfect insult in hand to get the bastard to leave him the hell alone as he lit a cigarette. "If by something wrong, you count fuckin' nosy bastards invading my personal space, then yeah, I guess there's something, quite wrong, asshole..."
Kouichi frowned and he scratched the back of his head. Oookay, he wasn't quite sure how he had been noisy when he had just been standing by the window listening to his music. He tilted his head and then shrugged but then he saw the other pull out cigarettes while they were in the library. He adjusted his glasses and took the cigarette, putting it out with the tips of his fingers. He shook his hand to in slight pain but he certainly wasn't going to put it out in the books or on the table. He offered a smile.
There were very few things that could make Gokudera Hayato speechless. One of them was spiders, he fucking hating the little shits and another was when people deliberately challenged him after he'd made it verbally clear that he was not one to be fucked with. His immediate reaction was to whip out a few sticks of dynamite and take care of the fucker right then and there. He'd mourn the loss of the books that got caught in the blast but they were a necessary evil.
However, seconds before he was about to reach beneath his sleeve palm a few sticks, he recalled a strict order he'd been given by Jyuudaime not to fly off the handle when he was provoked. Okay...maybe not so much an order as a request...but still! That was just as good! So instead he took several deep breaths, the kind that people always said calmed them down but only served to remind Gokudera of his lack of nicotine...and proceeded to light another cigarette, glaring up at the other as he did so. "So....do you have a death wish or something, you fucker?"
Kouichi was beyond amused for various reasons. The boy obviously was quick to anger and more than that it seemed that practically anything could do it. He watched the other with his smile still remaining although he knew that he should have been disturbed by the other's reactions. He didn't exactly strike him as intelligent if he just lit a cigarette in a place filled with nothing but potent fuel for a fire. He continued to watch as the other take deep breaths and visibly calm himself. Such a simple matter to get upset over.
Kouichi watched as he lit up another and yes, Kouichi imagined that this was not the smartest creature he had met. When he heard the other's question he almost burst out laughing. He let out a snort to try and ease the laughter bubbling up in him. Oh my, what a loaded question, and the other thought he would actually be capable of bringing about that end. How.... cute. Still, he knew that there was an appropriate answer and what he desired and wished for was not the right answer to give to a human in the surface world. "I don't particularly care but if you're so fond of this place you shouldn't try to get thrown out of it by smoking inside a building filled with paper and wood."
Ooooh, now he was pushing it. Gokudera sneered around the stick and exhaled. Now how to answer that question as he tossed the book on the table and kicked his feet up, leaning back slightly. "Honestly, I could care less. The sooner that happens, the quicker I can get the fuck away from here before this transfer shit becomes permanent and my boss has to suffer through this bullshit. If a few books have to be sacrificed, it's regrettable but...It's worth it. Any other fucking opinions, Shiro-kun?" He had to give the guy credit at least. Not many people would still be sitting there after his first pearls of social communication.
"Aizawa Kouichi, nice to meet you," he remained smiling. He didn't bother addressing the matter of such an unoriginal insult but he had heard worse, and from his own friends so he supposed it was pointless to care. Kouichi closed his eyes and thought for a moment. He supposed if the books were set on fire the other might die, it wouldn't be a beautiful death though, and the other was so young, decisions, decisions. Well, with a smile still on he readjusted his glasses. "None that would be worth mentioning to you," he smiled sweetly.
Gokudera hesitated on the tip of delivering another insult before he sighed and crushed the cigarette out on the bottom of his shoe letting the butt drop to the floor as he set his feet and the chair down with a thump. Raising an eyebrow, he exhaled the last drag and took another look at the guy. Making a decision about him once and for all. "Hey asshole, are you slow or something? What about the last 5 minutes has given you the impression that this is a 'nice' meeting? I've all but told you to go fuck yourself and you're still fucking here. I didn't know this school had a special needs program."
He chuckled and took off his glasses and red eyes locked with Gokudera's but he still smiled sweetly. Well, now that the cigarette he didn't care about the other. "Not slow no, but you're hardly someone to get mad about or over. What you say certainly isn't upsetting despite that you try to make it that way." He cleaned his glasses and then put them back on. "And meeting new people is always an interesting ordeal; you're a case in point."
Maybe speechless wasn't the right word to use here....maybe...aghast? Yeah, that fit better. Who the fuck did this kid think he was speaking to Gokudera Hayato like that? Aside from the fact that he was currently being creepy as hell, Gokudera knew he was going to have a fight on his hands soon enough if things kept going at this rate. Whether or not it was a one-sided fight or whether or not he particularly minded was still left to be determined. "Look.... I don't know what sort of shitty ass game you think you're playing at here, but I don't have the time or the patience to play your fucking little head games. Go try it on someone who isn't packing explosives."
"Mind games?" Kouichi blinked, well he had certainly never been accused of THAT before, unless it was erasing someone's memory but that was something else entirely. "I would never," he smiled sweetly. "And as for packing explosives, you would have to light them fast enough for it to be a valid threat," Kouichi wasn't about to be bothered by explosives, he was from the world of nabari; explosives were kind of common actually. "I'm sorry though."
What....the hell?! Gokudera was close to mentally tearing his hair out. Really, he just couldn't get a read on this guy! One minute he was fucking around and the next he was all apologetic for it and then the next minute it was another fucking challenge before he went back to being sorry! Did he have some fucking split personality or some shit?! Okay...in times like this, he'd always been taught that it was best to go with the flow and let things run their natural course. Not to push against the current, run with the tide or some other stupid fucking river reference. So he smirked and propped his elbow onto the table and dropped his chin onto his fist. "Oh really, trust me, the problem won't be whether I can light them fast enough, it'll be whether you can handle evading 20-30 at a time."
"I think I'd be fine actually, and even if I wasn't you wouldn't be able to get out in time either, let's see 20 to 30 you said? Basic TNT or perhaps you use something else?" he smiled warmly as he asked the question. Kouichi would see to that, if only so the other could learn not to harm books in such a manner. Although, he wondered if he could be killed by having his body blown to bits... then again, he supposed it would work since it had been the shinra bansho that had gifted him immortality and no surface world bomb would be overriding that power. In any case he continued to gaze at the other, it occurred to him that the boy was cutting classes and he probably was "older" than him. "I'm sorry I never did get your name!" he smiled.
Gokudera could see the wheels turning in the others head and decided immediately that he would out-turn him. He narrowed his eyes as he thought for a moment about those questions. "Any street corner sborrone can blow shit up with TNT. And since I happen to not be any street corner sborrone why would I tell you what I would use in the hypothetic situation that I decided to test out this theory? And along that note, why the hell would I tell you my name when you've just seen me doing at least 12 illegal things in the past half hour? What I'm packing is real firepower and I don't show it off anyone but my boss."
Oh but it was unlikely that Gokudera was aware that Kouichi would have been fine with the explosives if they could actually kill him. Though the owl would have preferred a lovely death. "You can tell me your name for the mere fact that it's polite, but that's fine, and I don't particularly care whether or not you do illegal things," you couldn't really care when you yourself killed and the likes. "Oh you're Italian!" he smiled as he recognized the accent though not the word. He didn't have to think hard to know that it was an insult. He looked around the room and then gazed back at Gokudera. "You're interesting," he observed.
Gokudera barely restrained himself from saying 'And you're fucking creepy' in response to the interesting comment. Instead he narrowed his eyes again and let the wheels turn some more. "You can fuck off with that polite shit. What in the half hour or so that we've been talking has given you the impression that I give a damn about what's polite or fucking interesting? And why in the hell would I trust you not to rat me out when our relationship so far has been basically you scolding me for various shit? And so what if I am Italian? Do you have a problem with that?"
"No, no problem," Kouichi grinned. Really it was almost amusing how easy the other got upset at the slightest statement. He almost hoped he had the other as a roommate just to continue observing him and watching how he dealt with things. "Why would there be a problem if you're Italian?" he asked with a quirked brow. "But I never said you should trust me," he smiled, and he hadn't. He didn't want that many to trust him, though it made it difficult for him to be his "surface world" image with how paranoid this one was. Oh well.
And he was reaaaallllly starting to wish that he hadn't promised Jyuudaime that he'd keep his cool. Really wishing that he hadn't crushed out that cigarette. This guy was seriously driving him up the wall in that way that only one other person had ever been able to. Hell, the baseball dumbass would be a godsend at this rate. At least then he could express his anger physically instead of having to hold back since he knew Yamamoto could take care of himself. He leaned back in the chair again and lit another cigarette, staring at the other for a few moments. "There are very few people in this world that I would ever trust. With anything. You were never in the running for being one of those people. So you don't have to worry about that. And I didn't say you had a problem with me being Italian. Some people have problems over some very silly shit. How am I to know that you aren't one of those stupid fucks?"
"You don't," he smiled as he responded to Gokudera's question. Kouichi was getting more and more amused as he watched the other just get angrier and angrier. It wasn't that he was trying to push the other into violence but all the same it was amusing to see the other get upset over the simplest statements. Kouichi was rather sure he hadn't said anything terribly rude and yet the other seemed ready to commit homicide. The boy should probably go to anger management with how easily he got annoyed, it wouldn't do him any good to get so angry so quickly. "But it doesn't really matter if someone else has a problem with it," he smiled warmly his tone serious, "you are who you are and you're obviously okay with it."
"It does matter. It's stupid minchione like that that start wars over the smallest differences in opinion or melanin distribution. Che..." And no...he wasn't going to get started in some philosophical, political or otherwise argument with the weirdo it was just...What the hell ever. He'd gotten so wrapped up in his opinions on the matter that he forgot to sneer for a moment and took out the cigarette to do so through the cloud of smoke he blew into the air. "And what the hell make you think that I'm proud to be who I am? Italian is what I am. For all you know, I could absolutely fucking hate myself."
"No you don't," Kouichi responded easily though he wouldn't go into the why. He knew well that wars were caused for the reason Gokudera spoke of, had witnessed it himself, had watched cities burn and bombs drop, he had watched countless die a sad and bad death. But how lucky for them to be able to die. He remained smiling although he adjusted his glasses and put his head-phones back in and turned on his music player.
What.....the fucking hell was that?!?! Oh hell no that freak did not just fucking dismiss him like that!! He had no idea who he was fucking with if he thought he could get away with something like that! The right-hand man of the Vongola did not fucking get dismissed by anyone other than his own boss! He was three seconds away from lighting the sticks of dynamite he'd grabbed from the holster around his wrist when he just barely got a hold of himself. When that little voice in the back of his head that he liked to think was Jyuudaime's hyper intuition invading his mind told him how disappointed Jyuudaime would be if he went ape-shit on the fucker. With an effort he reattached the sticks and crushed his cigarette out. Trying to call on every once of willpower he had so that he wouldn't change his mind and sic Uri on him or something. He hoped he would be able to convince Jyuudaime that this would be considered a slight to the family. If Reborn backed him on it, then the asshole was as good as dead.