Who: Balthier and Diego "Godot" Armando
When: Feb. 1st, at about 9 pm
What: There were promises made and Balthier sticks to them, a result of
this entryWarnings: mature situations
Relunctantly, the sky pirate immediately set foot for Malacca Heights. He had been here several times before but this time, his reasons were a bit more... serious, for lack of better word. As soon as he got there, he softly placed three knocks on the door and awaited an answer.
Godot always wondered why Balthier knocked on his door, when it was always open for him. Shrugging his shoulders a bit, the lawyer put down his coffee cup (ninth one of the day, mind you) and moved to answer the door.
When the door was answered, there lied an apprehensive look on Balthier's face. With such conviction, he immediately sat down on the couch. Perhaps somewhere in front of the coffee table that beared Godot's ninth cup of coffee. "Forgive me for the arrangement in such short notice, Diego. I truly appreciate it."
"Ha. Like you need to make arrangements to come here. You can come and go as you please, Raposa." Oh, Godot knew something was up, but he couldn't put his finger on it quite yet. A good prosecutor knew when to press a witness. "But, what brings you here so quickly?"
"You must forgive me," Balthier started. He was nigh sure how to explain this, nor how to go about it. He feared that this was something that would break their relationship and for some reason, the sky pirate did not wish it to be this way. Sadly, he was at a dead end. "Perhaps I shall start with this. A friend. A comrade. He has rather decided to come to this place."
"Ha? One that you have spoken about before? The one with ears?" That was the only friend Godot really knew about, and that was only from the trials of the past. "Or is this another one you speak of?"
"No. I'm almost positive I've mentioned comrades that the leading man such as I have fought along side with... One who's closer in age to you than myself," Balthier answered. He was almost positive that he had said that to him. More than likely, in one of their talks of getting to know each other better. But that really was not the point.
"Oh. I do remember you mentioning a few. What of it? I take it that you have been spending time with your friends. A good friend is as hard to find as good coffee at a Starbucks, afterall."
"I'm afraid I had broken my promise to you." As much as he was a sky pirate, Balthier did not like to lie to him. He had no reason to, and he did not feel as if he needed to. He knew that he could tell Diego anything and everything, even if it came with a consequence. "This man... has somehow held feelings for me. As I've said before, matters of the heart are something I take seriously. So I thought it proper to tell you as soon as I am able."
Whatever smirk Godot had on his face was gone. In reality, he didn't have a place to judge and he wouldn't. Nodding his head he simply said "Ha. I understand. And, what do you want to do about it?" the ball was firmly in the sky pirates court. Godot had been dead once, he knew exactly what kind of curve balls the world could throw at you, and he knew how to deal with them.
"I've made a promise to do, did I not?" Balthier began. Whether the ball lies still in Balthier's court or not, the sky pirate remembered the promise he made to Diego back at the red planet. "And keep it, do I intend to do. Unless you do not desire it, of course." At this point, Balthier was looking down on the floor. Never in his life did he imagine that he would have to come across an obstacle such as this.
It could have been easy to use this against Balthier. The old Godot may have done so. "How can I decide what you wish to keep, Raposa. I'm no more a ghost of the past than anything else." He smirked a bit. "If I did not desire it, I would have thrown you out when you first told me. However, if this man means anything to you.... you should be able to discover that as well."
"And discover that, I did. While there is a selfish part of me that wishes to explore that possibility, I do not intend to do you wrong. After becoming a part in that mess that happened quite awhile ago, I promised to you that I will not leave you 'burned'. I just ask that it be mutual, Diego. That's not too much to ask, is it not?" Again, Balthier did not take these things lightly. And confirmation did Balthier seek.
"I have no plans of doing that. However, I want you to be who you are. I don't want to feel like you have to do anything." It was true, Godot knew that many of the things Balthier did was because of him, and he was quite honored. "Ha. What should I do, Raposa?"
"What do you feel you should do? Again, I've no intention of leaving you. I'm a man of my word. You of all people know that." Of course he should know that. "A selfish part of me wants to stay with you, and yet be free to explore the possibilities with Basch. Another wishes to not submit into infidelity. Basch is a man of honor. And to do him and you wrong? I could not."
"So many choices, Raposa." He hadn't been in this position and wasn't sure how to deal with it. He was hoping that Balthier would at least have an idea, or at least a suggestion. "I understand what being selfish is all about...and yet, the one thing I wish for you to do is to be happy."
"In truth, what would make me happy is that if Basch held in his honor. Though, he cannot be fully at fault. I allowed it to happen, I returned it. You've worked hard in achieving stability, and it would please me if you had not lost that." And not in just one sense, Balthier was talking about in general. He knew that Diego had gone through a lot just to get to this point, and Balthier saw no right in just throwing that away.
"Give me more credit, Raposa. I'm starting to wonder if it is too much of me to tell you that you should do what you wish. I will be waiting for you..." It was a simple matter, especially since Godot had all the time in the world in his eyes.
"Perhaps it is," Balthier said. But honestly, he did not want to lose the lawyer. "I do not wish to break my commitment to you, Diego. Even though I've done something to break such credibility, I do not wish to lose anything you and I had worked with."
"I have no plans on leaving you, Balthier." Godot sighed faintly. "I'm too old, I've been around the block too many times. I know these things happen. Especially, if it was with an old friend. I understand your feelings..." If something happened with Phoenix or Mia, what would Balthier do?
He'd probably be upset, but not at Diego himself. Just at the situation. And more than likely seclude himself. "I'm quite grateful you understand. And this is why I do not wish to leave you. With what you and I have learned of each other, I would have myself not make this difficult for you."
"Ha. The amusing thing is, it is more difficult this way. Hearing remorse from you makes it impossible for me to be upset at you. I only want you to know that I am.....okay with the situation." There wasn't much else he could say to that. "I appreciate you telling me this..."
"I also wish to spend more time with you," Balthier said. He walked up to the lawyer now turned teacher and began to be more at ease being here. More or less becoming relaxed around Diego. "Hmm... any ideas?"
"My door is always open to you, Raposa. I know I have been rather busy..." He considered things for a moment. " However, there is always the opportunity for extra credit." There was a smirk on Godot's face before he continued. "No jokes about showing you my briefs, please."
"A rather busy man you are. But I can only say the same for myself." Which was true. Diego's own work kept Balthier rather busy, and being a resident advisor didn't make his time free either. He laughed a bit at that joke. "Oh no worries. Matters such as those are to be kept behind closed doors. And behind closed doors shall they remain."
"And what should we do behind these doors. Hm?" He was open to suggestions and was sure that Balthier had something in his mind. "I trust that I will not have to cancel classes tommorow, though I'm sure it could be arranged."
"I'm quite sure you must not," Balthier replied. "Though, I suppose you and I shall have dinner first. Desserts can come later. Your thoughts?" And the sky pirate was sure the lawyer knew what he meant by desserts.
Godot knew what desserts Balthier was speaking of. "I am only on my ninth cup of coffee today. Eight shy of the quota." He grinned faintly. "as for dinner, I feel like skipping the meal tonight, Raposa."
"Is that so..." Balthier wondered. He got into his seductive behavior (the side of Balthier that only Diego gets to see) and asked, "I trust that you have the necessary ingredients for dessert." Ever since Balthier discovered this back in Ares, he had enjoyed doing this with Diego.
"I'm always prepared for these evenings, Raposa. You could call me a model boy scout, if you would." Smirking he headed towards the kitchen. " Something to drink before we continue?" Besides, Godot needed his tenth cup.
"Pour me coffee," Balthier requested. He was sure that Diego knew how he liked it, too. And from the looks of it, the sky pirate was going to stay here for the night. Now... he needed to talk to Basch about this later.
"Of course." A man who liked coffee was the only man for Godot. If he had to drink it alone, he would not be a very happy camper. "Off to the bedroom, Raposa?" Of course, Godot didn't use his livingroom for much outside of a place to grade paperwork.
"Why of course," Balthier answered as he headed to the bedroom. There seems to be much to be done in there, hmm?