Who: Edge and Bofu Sun Ce
When: Tonight
What: Banter
Warnings: LOL
prince sexypants: HEY BOFU.
TigerCubofWu: Hey Edgey.
prince sexypants: Well, that's better than calling me by my real name.
TigerCubofWu: What's that again?
prince sexypants: Not telling you!
TigerCubofWu: Bah!
TigerCubofWu: I hate you too!
prince sexypants: Nah. You love me!
prince sexypants: I'm your best friend ever.
TigerCubofWu: No. your not.
prince sexypants: Ouch. That hurt, Bofu.
TigerCubofWu: you couldnt compare and thats that. I'm sorry.
prince sexypants: It was a joke, man.
TigerCubofWu: sorry
prince sexypants: It's cool...
TigerCubofWu: I miss him
prince sexypants: What happened?
prince sexypants: I mean, if you don't mind me asking..
TigerCubofWu: Nothing! hes back home
prince sexypants: Oh... pffft. You were acting like you were never going to see him again!
TigerCubofWu: so what? I'd die without him. he's my sworn brother. I'd die for him.
prince sexypants: .....and he's your blood brother. Right?
TigerCubofWu: ...the last I say of him... was when I was saying goodbye... sent him to take care of a province
TigerCubofWu: Blood brother... by birth? no, sworn.
prince sexypants: Oh...and you really really like him?
TigerCubofWu: we grew up together. we're really close
prince sexypants: Mmhm....
TigerCubofWu: what?
prince sexypants: Has he seen you naked?
TigerCubofWu: what!?
prince sexypants: Weeeeeeeell.
TigerCubofWu: uh.
prince sexypants: That's a yes.
TigerCubofWu: well, we share a couch sometimes and...
prince sexypants: A naked couch?
TigerCubofWu: what?
prince sexypants: You share it naked, right?
TigerCubofWu: er, a couch is a... bed
prince sexypants: Well..doesn't matter.
TigerCubofWu: sleeping mat
TigerCubofWu: feh
TigerCubofWu: what do you know?
prince sexypants: I dont care what it is.. you haven't answered the naked part.
TigerCubofWu: FINE. Yes, he's seen me naked and vice versa
prince sexypants: See, was that so hard?
TigerCubofWu: phst. :P
prince sexypants: Or maybe it was hard. XD
TigerCubofWu: wha.... oh, fuck you
prince sexypants: Naughty naughty, Bofu.
TigerCubofWu: not literally!
prince sexypants: Mmhmmm
TigerCubofWu: I hate you
prince sexypants: No you don't
TigerCubofWu: do too!
prince sexypants: Nuh uh
TigerCubofWu: uh huh
prince sexypants: You're so mean to me, Bofu.
TigerCubofWu: because you deserve it!
prince sexypants: How do I deserve it?
TigerCubofWu: You're an ass.
prince sexypants: So are you!
TigerCubofWu: you first!
prince sexypants: That's because I'm the better ass.
TigerCubofWu: ...
prince sexypants: And I have the better ass.
TigerCubofWu: somehow I figured the previous statement would lead to that.
TigerCubofWu: And no.
prince sexypants: Heh.