I wanted to make a Girls of Gurren Lagann post, but the truth is, I just wanted to make a post about Nia. And Nia and Simon. As someone who pretty much never has a main het pairing in any series, Simon/Nia took me completely by surprise, because I never expected to even care about it, and because of how much I came to love it
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i never noticed rossiu was the one who married them.
i also never expected you to fall so hard for nia. but I AM VERY PROUD. XDDDDD
XDDDD!! I noticed Rossiu was the one marrying them because I heart Rossiu (Saiga Mitsuki, omg ♥ only the ONLY female love-of-my-life-seiyuu, and the VOICE OF WOLFRAM - which is why she's the girl!Seiyuu love of my life).
XDDDD!! I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOU ARE PROUD ♥ I never expected to fall so hard for Nia, either! I think I saw her and then sparkled at her character design, and then I watched the series and sparkled even brighter because I thought she and Simon were amazing together. ♥ I have never fallen as hard for a female character as I have for Nia, or for a het pairing as much as Simon/Nia! ;)
I guess there's a first time for everything ;)
♥ ♥ ♥ I have a bunch here (I mostly use others' icons now, not enough time to make my own, sadly!), and here are some of my FAVOURITE GL ICONS:
+ hikkie_heaven's icons - first Kamina icons I want to use!
hodemimes's icons
+ calamit0us's icons
+ ushitora-icons's 94 icons
+ caffeinecritter's has MILLIONS OF ICONS here (some good Nia ones)
+ kawaii-madoushi's GL icons. I like these.
Also, I ♥ you and want to rectify any lack of Gurren Lagann icons! Anywhere! ;D
You're most and always welcome! ♥
i must get that job at UBS so i can go for lunches with you and meia regularly! the two of you fit very nicely into my arms! *plots*
!!!! UBS! I wish you the best of luck and LUNCHES WITH YOU WOULD BE SO BRILLIANT. Especially with reisha and our compactability in your arms! *griiin*
ALSO: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ILU SO MUCH DO YOU KNOW ♡♡♡♡♡♡ BECAUSE, you as Yoko: SO BRILLIANT, and you'd be PERFECT, and you have the right height AND THE BODY ♡♡♡♡♡ AND YES!
When were you planning to do this? *grin* 'Cause, for Cosfest this year, I was going to go as Timeskip!Simon, and atorii is planning to go as Nia, and we might have a Viral (emphasis on might), SO, SO, SO: if you want to be Yoko, it would be PERFECT? ♡ 's all we've got so far, if anyone else you know wants to come join, they are always welcome! ♡
...t-the body? *g*
hopefully we get a kamina then i can perv hehe.
! *hugs* But you will be back from exchange somedayyyy and maybe you will find EVEN MORE AWESOME cosplay events where you're going? Canada actually does have some awesome events - at least, they sound bigger than ours XD - maybe you will get to see those? ♥
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