Caught Hairspray. And riiiiiight after the second song, I was, Okay, this movie is too happy for me. I did enjoy the movie, eventually: man, I loved Tracy's parents, and Tracy was just so full of life and sparkle and idealism, and if I didn't know that was John Travolta, I wouldn't have known it was John Travolta, and you know my heart only beats
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I kept thinking she was so Blades of Glory's Jimmy to John Travolta's Chazz. I am not joking. Except, you know, if Jimmy was Fairchild.
I think you might have just ruined the entire movie for me, sweetheart. ;)
JUST KIDDING! Maaan, I wish I was still in Singapore with you... You've been going to all these movies I've been wanting to see for ages! xD Ratatouille is one of my favourite dishes? a great source of amusement! I've been comparing all the ways the title has been pronounced in different countries and nearly all of them are wrong. *laughs!*
It's been like this for the past three days: write representations for a defendant in a multiple-party rape case, lecture on wills, tutorial (which went on for two hours) on how to draft divorce proceedings.
I know this isn't exactly the same, but this reminded me a little of reading the job description at Build-A-Bear? I always thought I'd simply love working there - until I found out about the birthday parties (IT EVEN SAID ( ... )
... need ... to ... post ...
Hey! Should I add legislation to my filters or... you know... is it going to be hacked and used to take all my flocked entries and post them publically for others to laugh at? ;)
omg. When I first saw your icon I thought it was meimi.
Ah, no. ;) You don't need to add it to your filters, I can read you on my other LJ. ;)
Siigh. sometimes I wish I could take your place for a few days but then I don't think I have what it takes to be you. ^^;
XDDDDDDDD!!! Why is this not the first time someone has said something like this to me? XDDDDDD I AM TERRIBLY AMUSED. Nah, people do to some extent lead the lives they choose.
XD! I'm sending you something soon. The contents of the parcel are all ready, I just have to put them in the envelope, describe the contents, address it, get postage paid, and post it.
I think that makes me feel slightly better about not being able to join my classmates for another year. ^^;;
I don't know, though: I think of school like doing prison time, sometimes: maybe it ain't that great, but you've just got to get through it, so you can be free. And the sooner you get through with it, the sooner you're free.
I think lawyers are something else entirely. *laughs!* It's a lifestyle - not simply a job? ^^;;
I CAN BE PATIENT! Don't worry! Take your time! ♥!
I think of school the same way, I guess. =/ It's difficult to be free without a degree. Heh, that rhymes! ;)
Ratatouille trailers! watch them! ♥
I agree with you! About not caring! :D IT'S THE SAME FOR LOTS OF THINGS. LIKE WRITING FANFICTION. It's so much easier if you don't care whether it's good or not! XDDD
I agree that it's a lifestyle, though... GRIEF.
But a degree doesn't always bring glee! But sometimes frustration, TIMES THREE!
AHH! There's some plugin failure! O.o I'll go find trailers to watch on YouTube! *g*
I'm going to see this movie as soon as I can! AND STEAL ICONS! BE PREPARED! xDD
I will~! Thank you! xD I probably won't hear from them for another week or two, though... I'm pretty confident that I will get the job if they don't require someone with experience. *gulp* We'll see? :)
... I can't believe I've been turning down better jobs for this. I just want to work for Build-A-Bear so badly. ^^; OMG! Greenpeace just called too! I TURNED GREENPEACE DOWN LOL!
I agree that it's a lifestyle, though... GRIEF.
xD At least it pays well? You'll be able to retire early! ;)
Hee... I want a degree so I can move to Singapore, though. =/ I don't think I can do that without one. *g*
I have to send in a number of applications every month to stay on the government's good side. ^^; Greenpeace was one of those. LOL. *feels guilty!*
... it was just a place on their promotion team, anyway. I need a job, but I'm not going to stand outside and hand out pamphlets. xDDD
BUT IT'S GREENPEACE! I feel so bad for them! T.T
We'll need WALKERS and hearing aids soon!
I already need a hearing aid now! xD I completely agree that you've been doing NOTHING but growing up this year. I'm helplessly running after you. *laughs!*
Yeah, retire early, and use all that money to buy back the soul I sold to get it.
You've got people to make sure your soul is locked away safely where no legislation can touch it! ;) *huggles!* It's a fulltime job...
... I DON'T CARE! :) But it'd be nice to have some support?
See, my Blades of Glory moodtheme! ;) It is all Jon Heder, Jimmy, Chazz/Jimmy, Will Ferrell/Jon Heder, and some Chazz. TOTALLY MADE FOR ME, BY ME.
Ah, now I see. Okay, then! Forgives you for turning down Greenpeace. If you feel really bad, collect Greenpeace posters and give them away IN every Build-A-Bear you make! ;)
But growing up always comes at a price, you know. You lose a little bit of the child you used to be, a little bit of idealism, and a little bit of hope. But you know how it is: you can't get knowledge without a little pain.
*long pause* You'll have to look elsewhere for support on this one, sweetie.
Sweetie, you will understand when you see the movie. YOU REALLY WILL. Maybe the Chazz Travolta link isn't that strong, but the Jimmy Pfeiffer link TOTALLY IS.
HEE HEE HEE. You really like Ratatouille? That's good! I personally wouldn't like it because IT IS ALL VEGETABLES AND I AM WHERE IS THE MEAT, but it's good to know you like to eat it! You should have a pet chef to cook it for you. Just the way you like it.
The Chinese translations for Ratatouille are SO BAD. SO BAD.
I LAUGHS AT YOUR BUILD A BEAR JOB DESCRIPTIONS. That there are Build a Bear parties for BACHELORS makes me mildly worried that these are bachelor parties for groups of pedo men, who sit there and build bears and think bad thoughts. Or! They are like Gwendal from KKM, tough on the outside but CUDDLY on the inside, and their SECRET PASSION is to make bears!
Yes. Yes, I think I do. It'll probably take me ages, though. DO YOU REMEMBER HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO SEE POTC 3? T.T
I knew you wouldn't like ratatouille because of all the vegetables. *laughs!* I don't mind vegetables, but I know what you mean about it being all veggies and no meat. I like meat with my veggies... but ratatouille is so good I will make an exception. xD
The Chinese translations for Ratatouille are SO BAD. SO BAD.
WHY DON'T I SPEAK CHINESE! I'm so curious now! O.o
I'm wondering about the bachelor parties, too. ^^; I hope they are the Gwendal kind. HEE. The only bachelor group I've seen was pretty cute, though? They were all wearing the same bachelor!shirt... I was totally staring at them and trying to pair them up together, mwuahaha. xDDD
Still, you saw POTC in the end! *cheers* I am this CRAZY THING for movies, and I want to see them as soon as possible. ;)
Ratatouille Chinese?!
Original: ... you have a rash?
Chinese translation: You have a teacher?
... are these bachelor parties for heterosexual men? Apologies if this is intensely sexist, but I can think of no heterosexual man I know who would willingly wear matching shirts and attend a Build-A-Bear bachelor party. ... A BACHELOR PARTY IS MEANT TO BE WILD AND CRAZY AND FULL OF THE KIND OF STUFF YOU CAN'T DO AFTER YOU GET MARRIED! ... unless they meant a BEAR-CHELOR PARTY.
omg no sweetie. One, a Chazz bear will be too expensive to make and clothe, two, the shipping costs will be INSANE. And no, don't bring it in a suitcase when you next come over, it takes up TOO MUCH SPACE.
Just because you think I never listen when you tell me not to do something... *shakes head!* You should write fanfiction about me, kuzu. 932391829723 Things little_ribbon Is No Longer Allowed To Do. xD
I am this CRAZY THING for movies, and I want to see them as soon as possible. ;)
I know! O.o It's scary how many movies you watch at the theatres each month. *g* I grew up thinking going out to watch a movie is something you only do on Special Occasions or Birthday Parties, so I guess that's why I only make exceptions for Orlando Bloom? ;)
Ratatouille Chinese sounds familiar! I get the sinking feeling you've told me about it before... I'm sorry! ^^;;
OH! OOH! I am such an idiot! APOLOGIES! I didn't even think of a bachelor party that way! O.o I thought it'd be a party for bachelors. Not like, one of those things you have before you get married. *laughs!* I don't think either of those make sense in combination with teddy bears, but, uh ( ... )
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