legislation, ALL RIGHT!
So you won't be surprised when mysterious comments turn up in your notifications.
It's just me. ;)
I'm not moving over, this will still be my primary journal.
I'll be just using the other for commenting and the odd legal observation. *laughs!*
I'm actually pretty thrilled I managed to get this username. ♥ I originally wanted my LJ (as in Law Journal) to be
seriatim: it's the clause in defences which is the catch-all clause, the "if there is anything I haven't denied, I deny it ALL" clause. ;) I also really wanted
force_majeure and
forcemajeure: this is the Wikipedia entry on
force majeure: it's the clause in contracts which frees parties from all liabilities arising from completely unexpected events, like Acts of God. (It's also what I wanted to name an Axel/Sora fic, if I ever wrote one) HMM. It looks like all the contractual terms I love have ONE THING IN COMMON! ;)
Which all really goes to show that sometimes, it's a Good Thing When You Don't Get What You Want, Because You're In Store For Something Better. ;) Like the Rolling Stones said: you can't always get what you want, but sometimes, if you try, you'll get what you need. &hearts