Tales of the Abyss: 4th and 5th Dash Novel Scans

Jan 02, 2007 11:31

The Dash novels' website is here.

5th Abyss Dash Novel

I can't pass up a Luke cover. *grin*

The Dash novels come with double-sided fold-out miniature posters the width of the book:

Because every replica wants to meet his original.

Ion in Luke's arms. This is even more beautiful in artwork than it was in the game.

Asch is expressing his feelings for Luke. Which seem to go along the lines of STUPIDITY IS REWARDED BY STRANGULATION.

Natalia is also expressing her feelings for Jade! No wonder she and Asch get along.


I can't get used to calling her Legretta - Regret always seemed a much more elegant, and much more fitting, name.

4th Abyss Dash Novel

Asch Makes the Cover. ... and so does Van. I can't pass up an Asch cover when he looks this good.

This particular artwork looks like the three of them are posing for a promo shot. Of the latest drama to hit Auldrant.

I prefer the Famitsu artwork over the Dash novel artwork, but Dash novel artwork is good for lots of other things! Like lots of pairing pictures:

scans, tales of the abyss

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