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little_ribbon October 12 2006, 17:18:05 UTC
You know you've probably been a little too into your work when you suggest to your groupmates that someone should dress up as a trash can so as to bring home the point that spam is bad.

No, sweetie, I think that means you're a little too into the ABYSS. xD Dressing up as trash? Maybe you've just inspired my Halloween costume. xD *laughs*

OOH ITS SAKURAI. :D I thought he got fired, or something! *cuddles him!*

Heeee, that series looks like it's totally on crack? WTF his eye! O.o They're stealing from CLAMP ;) *g* ...and what is that snitch thing flying around Allen's (I think?) head? O.o *laughs* Is the blonde dude from the manga scans Allen, cause I'm a bit lost? xD In the manga he looks a bit like L from Death Note, or this young!Aragorn in one of my LOTR doujin. <3 Strangely enough, I really like that art! xD I like the silverhaired dude! T.T I hope that's Allen! xD ALLEN. It's a cute name!

...gah, if you get me into another fandom I will throw durian at you! T.T But please tell me where I can find the first chapter or episode? xDDDD oh, do you think I should read the manga first and then the anime, or or or.. WHY do I keep liking things you or Tessie like! T.T I want to get into DeathNote so badly but but but, Danny liked that and L has creepy toes. BUT THIS HAS REPLICAS? HOW CAN I RESIST? Honestly! xD


aefallen October 12 2006, 18:18:26 UTC
GEHHHH your icon just killed me with the cute.

No but but but it was all for spam! :D We put spam in the trash! :D

... well, I admit the too-into-Abyss thing, too. OH MY GOD. Did you see the English videos. I LAUGHED SO HARD AND I DID NOT STOP. Dear heavens I'm going to have the play the game once through on my own before I'm presentable for other people to watch me play it. I think I'm going to love it. I even like Asch's voice, man.

XD YES IT'S SAKURAI! Some episodes were recorded before he got into trouble, though. So we're not quite sure what happens to the rest of the episodes he was meant to voice.

XDDD I think I'm choosing all the crack shots. But it can be quite serious - the first episode was quite serious. The snitch is called Timcampi, and he is a little like a Snitch - but he functions as a recording device.

There is a blond dude in the manga scans? Oh, the one in my icon? That's Allen. He's actually white/silver/gray-haired.

I think you should watch the second episode of the anime first, then read the manga. You can get the manga here - best scanlations there are. And I think these subs should be all right. ; )

Actually, you don't get the replicas in the anime yet. ; ) First replica turns up in the second book of the manga, and most of it happens in the eighth book. But... I think you might find out that I... presented a very very... specialised look at the manga. It's like me posting pictures from KKM and saying that it is a show about bearbees.


xD can't say the same about your icon! *laughs* little_ribbon October 13 2006, 12:15:35 UTC
... HEE, I think it should be YOU who dresses up like kuzu then! ;)

I SAW! :D I LOVE ASCH'S VOICE TOO. EVEN LUKE'S. It's amazing! GOOD Engilsh voice actors, IS IT POSSIBLE? *gasp* But I still think Dist sounds like James from Pokémon.
Awww, and I thought I was the shy one when it came to playing games in front of people. xD I'm stuck between going YAY MY GAME WILL ARRIVE SOON and then 5 minutes later realising that I CANNOT PLAY IT YEY. *laughs* So I hope you get your game soon! xD *envies*

=/ Aaah, poor Sakurai. *pats him* I hope they won't replace him.. :S Heh, I sort of think Allen looks like a Saiga Mitsuki character! Who's Fou? O.o

O.o Timcampi? I don't even want to TRY and put that in katakana, rofl. But it looks adorable!

He's actually white/silver/gray-haired.

That reminds me of the whole discussion about Tear's hair colour. xD OMG must've been so out of it to call him blond yesterday. BLONDE even. *dies laughing* I called him silverhaired dude later on though, wtf was I on. O.o (blonde is one of those things I KNOW isn't correct but still use, like it's and its' *hides*)

*blink* I should watch the second episode first? O.o Not the first one...? xD Well, okay. *laughs* Thanks for the links! Now I have something to do while I stay home all weekend! THANK YOU. <3 I'm not picky when it comes to subs or scanlations though! Except the Loveless scanlations, those really sucked. O.o But yay, thanks for giving me the best! ;)

LOL you know, I never even thought you might have been presenting a "specialised look" at the manga. xD *is such a naive girl*


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