Dec 12, 2005 21:52
After reading onlyjenny's entry, I thought I would do the same. I however don't have as many months, so I thought I'd do it quite differently. A poem if you will...
July 2005
Does the journal entry still work for the fish grinder?
I often hold myself back from talking of issues such as this, due to the fact that I do not always feel as informed as I should be.
Barbarians of the Bayou is a code name for Settlers of Catan.
As I watch the television - my favorite news program - I watch all the alerts, bomb victim stories, hurricane victim stories, kidnapping stories, all wrapped up in a neat little package to serve to the American public.
So, twenty-six years ago, eight o'clock A.M in the morning, I was born.
I would like to thank everyone for the birthday wishes and the fun day that everyone helped me have.
Jesus Said: He that heareth My Word, and believeth Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. John 5:24.
As a playwright, I am always concerned about the subject matters of new plays.
Many writers and artists have muses.
Step by step: That code of thinking is very prominent in the Edwards' household this month.
My Fiction Booklist (These are books that are a must read)
All our progress is an unfolding, like a vegetable bud.
I suppose that I will go ahead an announce that Ben and I are expecting a baby!
August 2005
Since I don't have any real exciting news to report -
I hate to be one of those stereotypical graduate students who goes around pondering the meaning of life and "what is art?"; but, it has really been bothering me since this weekend. mean, the meaning of life is not hard, but the "what is art?" question is.
September 2005
Just Because.... (These are not in any order)
"I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert...
So, Ben and I watched this movie last night called "Bush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" - it is a documentary about Bush evilness.
I have always had a chip on my shoulder about censorship/banning books from libraries.
There is nothing more uplifting to me as a breeze in September.
With all the idealism of Fall in my last entry, I would like to say that it was only a sneak peak tease preview. It's back to old hot South again.
And that is it...I guess life happened in between. I don't expect I'll be writing much anyway because I hate to write about my own life (I assume, "why would people care") and I really try to focus less on bitching about the world and more on trying to take action and change it in my own way, as much as I can...and, my written journal entries lately have been more about theories and concepts of theatre. I wouldn't burden anyone with that just yet; still collecting my own thoughts about it. And's work - the daily grind. Good work, but in fact, work. That was very Marxist of me. So, apologies. But, I do enjoy reading all my friends entries and still will. I like hearing about other people's lives. IT's good to take myself out of the work and hear what is going on in everyone's lives and what they think about it.
So, thanks onlyjenny for giving me the idea to go back and reflect on my last entries. It was good therapy. Goodbye for now. I hope everyone is well and enjoying the festive season.