
Feb 03, 2010 14:25

So yeah, I doodled a lot last month, It's crazy. Since I havn't posted my art here in a while...

here is the link to the image.

Even larger vr!

1. A doodle of a friend. Or how I see her in my head XD
2. I was on PChat with Aeth and Cardi and couldn't think of what to draw.. so they came out. My little leaf people which I have wanted to draw a little story for... but never have. >_>;; story of my life.
2. (I put 2 twice) Just me asking God to get Ceez a woman... XD
3. Ceez wanted a drawing of him... he made me erase and redraw his 'package' larger... XD
4. Agawa, Myself, and Muu. :D True story. They use me as a pillow all the time.
5. Just a cute couple holding hands.
6. A gift art. Both their chars. The one on the right ruined the mood with a fart :x Haha
7. The starter of my 'I love drawing big hair' mood. I don't know what I was drawing.. I just went with it XD.
8. Me killing Epy. Wish this was a true story XDDDD sTUPID.FGKDJFGHKDJFG <3>_>
9. Myself and Cow Tora (the plush cow I sleep with at night)
11: Random mermaid~
12: Aeth and Me
13: Jin needed some help with sai, so I drew Jin while he watched... XD
14. A drawing a girl sitting on and around a bunch of tv's that I have not finished yet.
15. A girl sititng in a teacup that I will never finish... XD
16. I'm not sure what this guy is.. but I love him so much.
17: Naked girl wearing a scarf >_>;;;;

art, doodle

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