First attempt at getting better at drawing backgrounds and such with people in them. I suck at it... so I'm pretty happy at my first practice. ^_^ So much is wrong with this picture... but that's the point of practice right? :D
Falling asleep to 'Dr. Horrible's sing along blog' gives you really odd dreams. Really... REALLY... odd dreams; Dear god. After the dream, waking up for a doctors appointment lead to serious mind confusion. I really need to start sleeping more.
LIFE IS SO BORING! I want to blow my self up. The most joy I had all week was going on a picnic with Caily and Muu. Which was fun.. and I enjoyed the horribly round about way we got there, that involved blasting big bang, chasing her brother home, and grocery shopping. I love my friends. BUT WHAT I DON'T LOVE IS THE GOD DAMN BUG BITES! D< I need to roll out some sand paper on my floor and roll around or something. I'm going mental. I curse my french blood, why must bugs like it so much. Whats even more annoying is that I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. And the bugs bit my head, my legs, my back.... BUT NOT MY ARMS. THE OBVIOUS SPOT. stupid bugs.