Oh yeah.

Apr 20, 2008 14:05

They came back!

And we had another visitor who is 'looking for a church.'

And we had a vocal soloist who did a really good job. And a pretty decent crowd. And a really decent collection. And a good gathering after church for coffee hour.

And my Earth Day themed sermon, "To a Known God" (see left hand sidebar in my new, improved, sermon archive) was pretty good.

In husband's words, "To call that one of your best services, ever, might be an understatement." And he's a pretty tough critic.

Oh, and one more thing. On a hunch, I videotaped the whole thing, just in case I wanted to send this one to the Board of Ordained Ministry. Good hunch. (Is it wrong that I get a sort of diabolical glee at the thought of having 30 Board members watch a video of my preaching with a gay couple sitting in the foreground the entire time?)

ministry, husband, goal- nondiscrimination, sermons, happy thoughts

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