totally cheating and cutting-and-pasting from my comment on
logansrogue's journal, but what do you want?
My reminder to go easy on myself today.
Here's my "consider the penguin" sermon: I figure the Divine has a sense of humor. Clearly Jesus must have-- look at the load of idiots he walked around with all the time! He was always making up stories to try to confuse them. Rather perverse, actually. He takes on these disciples and then spends the next few years messing with their minds.
But creator-god? Now there's a being with a sense of humor. Consider the penguin (my favorite animal, and mostly for this reason). It's just so ridiculous. What an odd flightless bird, with a silly walk that would make John Cleese jealous, and a snazzy tuxedo to boot. With strange gentleness and love too, all those dads huddled together or whatever. Now any entity that made oversaw the evolution of that strange a creature must also have tremendous humor and tolerance for, say, me, and my many ridiculous, strange, loving ways.
Anyway, spent last night hammering out Sunday's service, which leaves me with just the Christmas Eve one to do before I collapse. But woke up this morning to discover that my *grown adult* husband *who I love so very very much* had spent most of the evening playing Nintendo Wii and the house was a disaster. Including an entire pot of last night's leftover homemade chicken and barley and vegetable soup, which I was looking forward to having for lunch since my tummy is still upset, left out on the stove and congealed into a spoiled, hardened mess. argh!
breathe. breathe.
consider the penguins. the silly effing penguins. feel better?